
Will Warmoth Top Route ANY body style besides Strat?


I have a 1983 Fender Elite Stratocaster, and I hate the Trem on it.

I want to keep the neck and transfer all the electronics + into a new Warmoth body.

However, I want to get a Velocity body, and the website only allows the option of rear-routing the control cavity.

Will Warmoth top-route it for an up charge, or will they ONLY rear route it?

Thanks for any help!
They don't do top routes on the velocity because they don't have a pickguard designed for it.

If you want a top routed body keeping your electronics just as they are, I think your only options are a strat body or a "hybrid tele" (tele shaped with a strat style guard)
Speedy, you need to call the mothership. I think not, but you never know until you ask. Call them tomorrow.
They will omit the routings all together if you’d like, it’s usually like a $50 upcharge. You’d obviously have to do your own routing though
We do top routs on tons of bodies. If it's got a corresponding pickguard that means it's top routed.

Examples of bodies that can be either top or rear routed:
  • Tele
  • Strat
  • J Bass
  • P Bass
  • Switchback
  • Jazzmaster
OTOH there are many models that only come rear routed, and the Velocity is one of them. Soloist is another, although....
We do top routs on tons of bodies. If it's got a corresponding pickguard that means it's top routed.

Examples of bodies that can be either top or rear routed:
  • Tele
  • Strat
  • J Bass
  • P Bass
  • Switchback
  • Jazzmaster
OTOH there are many models that only come rear routed, and the Velocity is one of them. Soloist is another, although....
please please please make a soloist pickguard body. I have 6 soloists in my possession and I would order a couple more if I could get them front routed. Hands down my favorite body shape.
We do top routs on tons of bodies. If it's got a corresponding pickguard that means it's top routed.

Examples of bodies that can be either top or rear routed:
  • Tele
  • Strat
  • J Bass
  • P Bass
  • Switchback
  • Jazzmaster
OTOH there are many models that only come rear routed, and the Velocity is one of them. Soloist is another, although....
Although...? I'd love to pick up a soloist if they came front routed.
Oooooh yeah definitely a fan of top routed soloists. And I'd love to see new but appropriate pickguards for the Z and ML (correct me if I'm wrong, but the ML pickguard might just be a Mustang pickguard).