
Why relic?


Junior Member
I've seen alot of people on this forum relicing their guitars and I see fender selling "relic'd" guitars for 2000 bucks and I always asked myself why?? Why don't you just let it live it's life and become an actual relic?  :dontknow:

Nobody knows why they do what they do...
Hey, I'm creating guitar art here. 

well, the real reason for me is that it's kinda fun.  :icon_jokercolor:
I've always found that a bit odd too :|  

I've owned a bunch of guitars for the last 20 years and I swear the bodies are pretty much NOS.  Some of the necks though have obviously been through hell with me and I really prefer the look and feel.  Also I really hate shiny chrome.  

My next guitar will be gently (lovingly) relic'd just to take the edge off the plasticy newness!

EDIT: I remember an interview in Guitarist with Vito Bratta who said that whenever he got a new guitar from ESP (??? pretty sure it was them) he'd take a hammer to the body.  Simply because he didn't wan't the stress of endlessly protecting a guitar from damage.

I'd quite like to build a fairly cheap but well specified and good sounding guitar that i didn't really care about - one I could chuck into my car, etc
stauner said:
I'd quite like to build a fairly cheap but well specified and good sounding guitar that i didn't really care about - one I could chuck into my car, etc

I have a schecter I do that with  :laughing7:
"Vintage tint" is just market-speak for clear amber. A brand new clear amber finish is a beautiful thing, and doesn't look aged, abused or worn out at all.

I like vintage tint just as a "color" sometimes, not because it's "vintagey" in any way.
drewfx said:
For me, it's used on necks to give a "real" amber look. :sign13:  :hello2:

That would be me, too. I think it makes most woods look richer, unless they're already very dark or happen to be naturally red, purple or green. Even those might be improved, but I haven't tried it.
I do not like the look of plain maple, a satin or clear gloss just doesn't cut the mustard with me, so a slight tinting makes it quite tolerable.
I did a few things to my strat. I put the plastic parts in some coffee to darken them up a little and bought a mint green pick guard. That's as relic'd as I can get. :laughing7:
First guitar I put together I accidentally "relic'ed" when I tried to hammer in the rear string ferrules without lube or light sanding of the holes and the impact of my hits, lifted the poly finish around the area. If anyone ever asks about it, I usually say it's buckle rash  :laughing7:

Hopefully future projects won't suffer the same relic'ing.

I dunno why some folks do this, the extremes of it are a black art in a lot of ways (Dipping pickup covers in tea and coffee to discolour, adding rust etc.).

I can understand someone trying to completely replicate a bashed up classic. Pro musos like Neil Young with his Old Black and Clapton when he had Blackie, must dread going out on the road with their fav. guitars out of fear they will get damaged or stolen. That's where the relicing of new guiatrs would come in handy - replicating an old guitar to look like the original. Or the guy who did a very accurate replica of Young's Old Black, the art involved in doing all the bumps and scratches on that guitar was very interesting.

A lot of classic guitars (like say Joe Strummer's Tele, Steve Jones original white LP Custom, or Elvis Costello's Jazzmaster) have had blood spilled on them in the name of music. You may try to replicate that but you can't recreate the mojo around those instruments!

The "relic" thing is stupid. It's just another of many marketing strategies to take advantage of a temporary fad.

Yeah, pay extra for them to  pre-beat up a guitar for you, when you could beat it up yourself. Making a new guitar look old or worn  (as if it is a well-used vintage instrument) is fake, so people are paying lots of money for fake guitars.

I love the way a NEW guitar with no flaws looks.
Well I can't wait to finish my fake relic guitar with my fake vintage sounding pickups and my fake reissue pedals and fake reissue amp.