Why is there two of me?


Hero Member
I was looking down at the 'Who's Online' section at the bottom of the page and saw there was two of me.

I don't remember cloning myself.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
NonsenseTele said:
You put the light spot on him...

Prime example Nonsense Tele, even when I don't know what you're saying I know what you mean. 

Isn't the name of it?
Don't worry, we know what you mean.  When I read your posts they have a Portuguese accent in my head, but for some reason Wana's don't have an Austrailian accent.  This board is pretty spread out.  Norway, Canada, Brazil, Belgium, Austrailia, The UK, you name it.  Way to go Warmoth.  It's almost 6 in the morning here, and I'm working nights at the moment which means it's bed time.  I gotta fall asleep before the sun comes up or I can't.

Being an innocent , un-employed teenager, i don't have to do night shifts. Horaaay! :hello2:

Though I still do choose to stay up late enough to keep me in bed until 2 in the afternoon on occasion.  :tard:
Just got home, and it was the last night of the night crew.  There's a nice little differential pay and working 7.5 hours for 8 hours pay that make it worth it, not to mention no one's around and no traffic.  It's 40 miles away.