
Why is Ed Roman so hated?

:toothy12: I like Ed because he reminds me of a more hirsute Ned Beatty & who doesn't love Ned Beatty.  :toothy12:
That Zachary guy makes some interesting and unique guitars I have to admit.
I like the simplicity of his headstock design... would look good on a star shaped body.

But he seems to be suffering from a severe case of elitism...
he looks like a hairy blob ;)

saw him once at the Dallas guitar show.. it seemed like everyone was avoiding/ignoring him.... I actually felt a little bit sorry for him..
Marko said:
he looks like a hairy blob ;)

saw him once at the Dallas guitar show.. it seemed like everyone was avoiding/ignoring him.... I actually felt a little bit sorry for him..

He was all alone.. I had a laugh at it.
T50 said:
That Zachary guy makes some interesting and unique guitars I have to admit.
I like the simplicity of his headstock design... would look good on a star shaped body.

But he seems to be suffering from a severe case of elitism...
I think some of his guitars have bodies that look for the most part well-executed, but I simply hate his headstock design.
Several years ago he bought the Baker Guitars company at an asset liquidation sale.  He then sourced the production of all but the most expensive Bakers to Korea, while at the same time posting all over the internet the "horrific flaws" he discovered in the original Bakers after touring their shop.  He's such a tool for keeping Gene Baker's name (and reputation) on the guitar but producing a cheap knock-off.

Also, on the Baker website he posted "real" letters from "real" customers who also bash Gene Baker.  Classless.