
Why is Ed Roman so hated?


Hero Member
I'e been to his store & everything is very overpriced. He did have some rare guitars, that if money was no object, would make nice purchases.

His site is kinda cool, with lots of interesting pics & info.

I met his wife at the store & she have me a free bottle of water, as it was very hot outside.  :icon_thumright:

I wouldn't buy anything from him due to his silly prices, but why is he so hated online?
I can only speak for myself, but he generally comes off as an a*sehole, basically. Opinionated, arrogant and rude. Not someone I would invite into my home based on how he portrays himself online.
Ed's site does NOT have lots of interesting info. It's filled with the ramblings of an egocentric jerk with no shame. He's the kind of person who wouldn't have a problem selling you into a pyramid scheme. Not only is he opinionated, arrogant and rude but according to many other folks, he’s dishonest too.

My local used car salesman, for example, has some nice cars in his showroom, but that doesn't mean he's a nice guy.

That Zachary Guitars guy is just a D-bag.
I took a look at Ed's website and all I can say is.........

No, I can't even say anything, I'm speechless. So much clutter, so much stupid advertising, ripped off ideas he seems to claim as his own, things that are insanely overpriced, saying " I should say, Every aspiring luthier seeks to rise to their ability to charge $20,000.00 plus for a guitar!!" which to me sounds just stupid and greedy. I can't imagine a guitar actually being worth 20k. I bet 70% of the price is just the name tag. If you want to build quality guitars to good people, you don't charge insane prices for them. It's guitar fashion, lol.
From afar in Australia, his website and the personna he portrays within it, gives the impression he is arrogant, argumentative, egotisical, overtly opinionated and well..... full of himself.

That's just my impression, maybe he's really a lovely guy who loves his wife dearly, spoils his kids (if any) rotten and donates to a lot of charities around Vegas & is a pillar of society...  :dontknow:
Arrogant?  Just cuz he has opinions?  Pish posh.  Everybody's got an opinion and is entitled to it, after all.

What I don't dig about the guy is he's a serious name-dropper... he oozes, "I'm a tool".

And, he reminds me of Frank Costanza (Jerry Stiller):


He does have some stratospheric pricing, but I can easily imagine him having a "nothing ventured, nothing gained" attitude. There are a lot of people with more money than brains. One only need look briefly at the "vintage" and "endorsement" markets to see that. A Strat or Les Paul that's nowhere near as nice as what's being built today to modern standards with modern hardware and electronics will command a helluva lot more money simply because it's either old or some "hero" plays that style.

There are basically two ways to price things. One is cost plus, where you simply add x% to everything based on what you want to make. So, if you want to make 30%, you'd mark everything up by that much. An item you invest $1,000 in from such-and-such manufacturer then sells for $1,300.

The other is to price by value. Doesn't matter what an item costs, you sell it for what you can get for it, following Ben Franklin's timeless observation: "The worth of a thing is the price it will bring". Those who follow that philosophy are going to have prices all over the map, but be generally higher since hope springs eternal.

Company stores such as Musician's Friend, Guitar Center, etc. generally follow the first rule, while independents follow the second. Ed's an independent - aggressively so <grin>

As for his opinions - everybody has them. Whaddaya gonna do? The musical instrument business is a poster child for legend and myth. You can be right as rain, and be outcast for it if it bucks conventional wisdom, no matter how flawed that wisdom might be.  So, you have to take what everybody says with a grain of salt, and do your own research. Ed's no exception.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not defending him - I'm just saying too many people pay the man more money and attention that is justified. He's just another dude trying to make a living.
I talked to him on the phone a few times and exchanged a few emails.  He doesn't just sound like an a**hole, he is one.
Not wishing to make a mountain from hillock,
All I can say is Roman's a pillock!~

A royal bleeding pillock at that.
Stumbled onto Ed Romans "Rant" section recently. Man.... he really sounds like a cranky, arrogant bastard who needs to blow some steam once in a while. So much hate....  :dontknow: He reminds me of those stereotypical grandpa's who's sitting in his chair whining and ranting about everything and everyone all day. I feel kinda sad for the guy honestly.  :sad1:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
DBU said he's going to kill Ed Roman! 

Usual method?  Uberschall?


I think Ed Roman loves this kind of talk because it keeps his name alive.  :icon_thumright:

I actually bought my Aztec Gold solid flame maple Hamer Californian (<--- guitar on the left) from Ed Roman back in the 90's. He was slightly high on the price, but the guitar was flawless for being used and out of production. Was easy to work with. I have no complaints. But he believes what he believes, right or wrong. Kind of like people who hate EMGs.  :toothy11:

Sweet guitar x2, DBU. You should wear one on a strap, clamp one to a stand, and then play them both legato like Zack Kim. :o

It's interesting how the guitar spans such a huge range of musical styles, talent levels, and personalities. :tard:
Death by Uberschall said:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Maybe there really is no such thing as bad publicity.

The only bad publicity is your obituary.  :icon_thumright:
Unless you're an artist....then the prices for your pieces increase.