
Why is Bloodwood not a more popular neck wood around here?

I've got a bloodwood on padouk. It feels nice.

bagman67 said:
When a guy in a priest's collar says, "Look at my shaft," I feel EXTREMELY uncomfortable.  Nice guitar, though, Markeaux!

+1!!  :o  :icon_biggrin:

tubby.twins said:
Check out this shaft:



Dammit, I was hoping that one stayed hidden until my xmas bonus cleared!

But since you brought it up, how do you all think that'll look on a dinky P with a flame maple top?  I'm thinking pretty damn good...

Bloodwood is one of my fave exotics, my Purdue Guitar has a bloodwood board and erm, "tone block" on the body, I just love the iridescence it has, and the tone is pretty amazing.
The Norwegian Guy said:
OMG! I need a black strat with one of these necks!

Thanks alot, guys! I've been trying to deny that bloodwod existed!

Oh no you don't!
Black bodies and red necks are my thing.
Rickgrxbass said:
Dammit, I was hoping that one stayed hidden until my xmas bonus cleared!

Are you sure you want that?  It has no frets.  :)

Rickgrxbass said:
But since you brought it up, how do you all think that'll look on a dinky P with a flame maple top?  I'm thinking pretty damn good...

I'm not sure.  I'm not a fan of the dinky P body style.  I would think a standard P might be a better match.

For this neck, I was actually thinking of something a bit more plain body, which would let the neck be the most dominant element.  How about a white (or cream) body with a black pickguard?

tubby.twins said:
I'm not a fan of the dinky P body style.  I would think a standard P might be a better match.

The body was a fleBay nab a while ago, it came with a fretless (!) 8 string neck

tubby.twins said:
For this neck, I was actually thinking of something a bit more plain body, which would let the neck be the most dominant element.  How about a white (or cream) body with a black pickguard?

hm, a not-quite-white body would work great, then you can even get away with gold hardware...
Märkeaux said:
I actually never use the term 'shaft' when it comes to necks and woods...
but since Joey brought it up, I decided to join in . in my own perverse way...

Don't blame Joey for bringing up your shaft.

BTW, I misread it at first, and I thought it said, "Look at my Shat."
Disco Scottie said:
I'm tired of everyone else showing off. Get ready to be jealous - here's MY shaft:


You should do porn...that thing looks like it goes forever.

Oh yeah, sweet axe  :icon_thumright: