Who Bought the Maple/Mahogany VIP with recessed knobs on the "DEALS?"


Master Member
Just goes to show you you cannot wait.  I went to bed at 11PM EST standard time and was dreaming on how to finish this beauty.  I woke up at 7AM with credit card in hand to purchase.....GONE!!!!!!!! :sad1: :sad1: :sad1:

Looks like a very unique body and I would still love to see it finished...please....no paint.....
I feel your pain.  There was once a VIP with a quilt top finished in black dye.  The day I went to pull the plug...gone.   :doh:  So, I did what everyone else would do:  wait for another one to go up.  But another one never went up.  sigh.
Ok I'm gonna give you two quotes from some famous people

Homer Simpson:  D'oh

Charlie Brown:  AAARRRRRGH!!!!!!

I guess the next time you see an infomercial and Billy Mays is telling you to "act now supplies are limited"  you are gonna take him seriously.

Good advice to any potential Warmoth customer:  Supplies are limited!!!  Act Now!!!  Operators are standing by....

I used to keep a credit card right on my keyboard for those moments, but unfortunately for my wallet, I had way too many of those moments.  I am a recovering Ebay addict.  I gotta go to my 12 step forum so excuse me.  Oh, no on another tab there is an auction with 14 seconds left.  Damnit, I just had another relapse, now I gotta wait 7-10 business days for.....Hold on, I don't even know what I bought.......D'oh I just bought 13 migrant chinese sweatshop workers shipped via DHL.....  Wait a minute I think I got scammed, DHL is going out of business how can they ship me my migrant workers?  Damn Ebay... Maybe I should check myself into some sort of ebay rehab, cause I'm never gonna quit on my own
I almost bought it to stash, but already have too many unfinished projects as it is. Obviously the thing to do with that is get it finished Goldtop Gold with a trans brown back...
Well, there is something to be said for letting an instrument tell you what kind of music it wants to play - I mean, can you imagine what the "standard rock licks" would BE if guitars were tuned in fifths instead of fourths?  :party07:

However, there's also a lot to be said for designing an instrument to do exactly what you want it to do - one great advantage is it kills off the more extreme impulse shopping. I've only ever bought one showcase body, cause I usually have such perverse specs in mind... I wanted an entirely "normal" swamp ash G5 bod, and they had one. Of course then I made it a short-scale high-C tenor bass anyway, but that wasn't the bod's fault. :laughing3: It's hard for me to imagine having  3, 4, 5 hundred bucks to spend on whim bodies*, unless I was one of those Ebay Warmoth profiteers (who, by the way, I would venture are stuck way, way, way up the creek due to our new "improved" economy).

*(You guys must be broke a lot, huh? :sad1:)
stubhead said:
Well, there is something to be said for letting an instrument tell you what kind of music it wants to play - I mean, can you imagine what the "standard rock licks" would BE if guitars were tuned in fifths instead of fourths?  :party07:

Ever heard post-'94 King Crimson?  :headbang:
Both the body I WANTED to buy and the one I wound up buying were J-Bass LAM tops going for 165 and 185 bucks. That's a substantial savings over custom built. And yes, this time I wanted to build an 'entirely normal' J bass.
I recently missed out on a spalted maple jazz bass body at a ridiculous price. Had the exchange rate between UK and the US been better I'd have taken the plunge but it sucks at the minute.