Which potentiometers?



I am doing my first ever build. Altho a different shape, this guitar will be pretty much a telecaster with a strat tremolo.

I have all the parts I need now, the only thing I'm stuck with is the potentiometers.
I have a SD Jeff Beck Jr single size humbucker for the bridge and a gold lace sensor for the neck.

Can I use standard telecaster pots for these, or will I need something different because I have a humbucker?

Traditionally, single coil pickups are mated up with 250K pots and humbuckers (or any "noiseless" pickup) with 500K parts. Audio (log) taper in either case. In your situation, you have what can be essentially be considered one of each.

In my experience, you can use 500K pots for both applications. The only downside, if you can call it that, is that the single coil pickups will be a bit more articulate. Slightly more high end, in other words. To my way of thinking, this is a Good Thing. Better to have it and not need/want it, than need/want it and not have it. You can always filter out frequencies that you don't want with the tone pot on the guitar or the amp/effects EQ, but you can't create them if they aren't there in the first place because there's too much load on the pickup due to a lower resistance pot.
You're welcome. I'm sure I speak for many here when I say we'd love to see some pictures of what you're doing. There's always something to be learned or lusted after.