elgravos said:..The Wolfgang is nothing like the 60s slim taper neck..
pabloman said:While you were busy looking up specs, playing with your caliper and necroposting you failed to notice the OP asked about the contour. That is the shape. Glad you can be an ass for no reason. You should open your eyes and shut your mouth.
pabloman said:You could "read" into it whatever you want.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:Regardless of the actual dimensions, I think the asymetry of the Wolfgang would automatically take it out of the running for being comparable to a 60s Gibson.
I don't really care how you handle things on the play ground. I am a married man with children. If I'm going to do something as stupid as getting into a fight it's going to be for a good reason and i will definately f*ck someone up. I try to teach my children right from wrong and sticks and stones and all that. Too bad your father didn't do the same. It's obvious you have no idea what respect is. I don't know how else to explain it to you. I don't believe it's the words you are having trouble with, I think it's the concept. Let me try it one last time and then I will be done giving you the attention you crave. There is no need to condescend somebody in an attempt to prove your superiority. Show some class and have some respect. That's it plain and simple no more no less. No need to debate or argue or whatever. You have said what you have to say as have I so let it go. Oh, and welcome to the forum. I look forward to many more of your contributions as it seems you are quite knowledgableKlark said:pabloman said:You could "read" into it whatever you want.
Right, and YOU can continue to read it like a 5th grader, which is not giving the poster enough respect to truly understand what he's concerned with. He asked 'which Warmoth contour' but that is because that is what they are called. He could have said neck, or profile, or shape, or whatever. He states NO concern towards D shape, C shape, V shape, asymmetric, or any comment concerning shape. But he does however flat out state that he is concerned with the size.
And did you even notice that I was the 2nd poster in this thread? I offered my actual measurements to leftybill without opinion, and without negativity. I didn't say a single nasty thing until after elgravos chimed in with his ridiculous statement that they are NOTHING alike. His obviously incorrect statement completely disregards and condescends my actual measurement, but you're saying I got nasty first?
And since you're so sensitive, what exactly is so terrible about what I said?...
"Really? It's nothing like it? Well gee, that's a real scientific response. If you put aside your opinion and use a caliper..."
Man, what a horrible thing to say to someone, I'm gonna rot in hell. I don't know where you come from, but where I come from, calling someone an ass and telling them to open their eyes and shut their mouth would get your smart ass beat compared to what I said.
The reality here is neither elgravos or myself really got all that nasty. Sure he condescended me, and I then called him out on it, but no one got nasty until you started mouthing off. So yah, do us all a favor and don't troll around looking for a fight, and don't post unless you have something useful to contribute.
pabloman said:I am a married man with children.....I try to teach my children right from wrong and sticks and stones and all that. Too bad your father didn't do the same. It's obvious you have no idea what respect is.
There is no need to condescend somebody in an attempt to prove your superiority.
I look forward to many more of your contributions as it seems you are quite knowledgable.