
Which neck contour is closest to the Gibson 1960's style?


Does anyone know which Warmoth contour with a 1 & 11/16" nut width would be closest to the 1960's Gibson style neck?  I am interested in the 59 roundback (1 & 11/16" nut) but I am concerned that it may be a bit too big for me.
That very much depends on WHICH 1960's Gibson you're referencing. There is a good deal of difference between an SG and a LP from that timeframe, for instance.
I have two actual Gibsons with 60's profiles, and the '59 Roundback is exact in shape, but a little too fat.  Believe it or not, the Wolfgang (.815" to .940") has one of the closet fatness specs to both of my Gibson profiles.  I didn't think I would like the asymmetric shape of the Wolfgang but wow is it nice.. Feels naturally worn and very comfortable.
The 59 Roundback is pretty much identical to what Gibson market as the 50s neck these days.  The Wolfgang is nothing like the 60s slim taper neck...  I have both and have also investigated in some detail as the 60s profile is my favorite. 

Unfortunately, Warmoth don't really have anything that matches.  I put together a contour diagram comparing the 60s/59 Roundback/Standard Thin a while back.  I'll see if I can find it and post it. The Standard Thin is the closest available - but it's still not the same (slightly thinner).  With that said, my new telepaul which has a standard thin neck with a straight 12 inch radius and gibson scale conversion neck feels fairly close to my 60s neck Les Paul - but I went some way towards stacking the odds in its favor.  My standard thin strat with a 25.5 scale and compound radius feels nothing like it.  Goes to show, there are more elements than just the back contour to neck feel. I'm guessing the straight 12 radius goes a long way towards re-creating the Gibons 60s slim taper feel.
Afraid I can't find my diagram anymore but this one at least provides a comparison between the Gibson 50s neck (equivalent to the 59 roundback) and what they call the 60s slim taper these days...
elgravos said:
..The Wolfgang is nothing like the 60s slim taper neck..

Really?  It's nothing like it?  Well gee, that's a real scientific response.  If you put aside your opinion and use a caliper or outside micrometer to measure the thickness at the 1st and 12th fret, the Wolfgang is the closest neck that Warmoth makes to the true taper (1st to 12th) of a Gibson 60's neck.

Yes, I will agree that the Gibson 60's shape is closet to the Standard Thin, but leftybill seems to be more concerned with the size of the neck, rather than the shape.  If he's even thinking about the 59 Roundback, he will most likely find the Standard Thin entirely too thin, just as many others have.  At that point, the one neck that sits in the middle ground when it comes to fatness and 1st-to-12th fret taper, is the Wolfgang.

I will also agree the 59 Roundback is almost exactly like Gibsons 50's profile.  I think it's crazy that Warmoth is not making a '60 Roundback', because I believe it would sell like mad.

I agree again on the fact that the radius plays a big part in the feel as well.  The 10-16 is definitely not the best choice if you're wanting a good Gibson feel, which are primarily 10" or 12".  All five of my 80's Gibson's are 12" which I don't really like, and all three of my 70's Gibsons are 10" which are all totally awesome.

If I was building a Warmoth Gibson style guitar, it would definitely be the Wolfgang with a 10" straight radius.

While you were busy looking up specs, playing with your caliper and necroposting you failed to notice the OP asked about the contour. That is the shape. Glad you can be an ass for no reason. You should open your eyes and shut your mouth.
pabloman said:
While you were busy looking up specs, playing with your caliper and necroposting you failed to notice the OP asked about the contour. That is the shape. Glad you can be an ass for no reason. You should open your eyes and shut your mouth.

Yes, he did ask 'which Warmoth contour' in general, but his comment "may be too big for me" reads as if he is more concerned with size than shape.

If I am an ass for calling out elgravos's inaccurate opinionated response, then so be it.  When two necks are almost exactly the same depth and taper from the 1st fret to the 12th, it is a complete disservice to leftybill's questions by stating one neck is "nothing" like the other.

Oh, and since you don't understand what necroposting is, or have anything useful to contribute other than mouthing off, maybe you're the one that should shut your mouth..??  :binkybaby:
You could "read" into it whatever you want. He specifically asked about contour. If you have some advice and facts to help a member out, why can't you just post that without being a dick? Does it make you feel better to put someone else down? Before you try to turn it around on me I am just using your tactics and mentality so you are able to comprehend. This forum already has people that spout off with irrelevant specs and put downs to feed their inferiority complex. You may be knowledgeable but it is difficult to give you any credibility with that sort of attitude. I'm glad you had a members interest at heart but you don't have to shit on somebody else in the process.
pabloman said:
You could "read" into it whatever you want.

Right, and YOU can continue to read it like a 5th grader, which is not giving the poster enough respect to truly understand what he's concerned with.  He asked 'which Warmoth contour' but that is because that is what they are called.  He could have said neck, or profile, or shape, or whatever.  He states NO concern towards D shape, C shape, V shape, asymmetric, or any comment concerning shape.  But he does however flat out state that he is concerned with the size. 

And did you even notice that I was the 2nd poster in this thread?  I offered my actual measurements to leftybill without opinion, and without negativity.  I didn't say a single nasty thing until after elgravos chimed in with his ridiculous statement that they are NOTHING alike.  His obviously incorrect statement completely disregards and condescends my actual measurement, but you're saying I got nasty first?

And since you're so sensitive, what exactly is so terrible about what I said?...

"Really?  It's nothing like it?  Well gee, that's a real scientific response.  If you put aside your opinion and use a caliper..."

Man, what a horrible thing to say to someone, I'm gonna rot in hell.  I don't know where you come from, but where I come from, calling someone an ass and telling them to open their eyes and shut their mouth would get your smart ass beat compared to what I said.

The reality here is neither elgravos or myself really got all that nasty.  Sure he condescended me, and I then called him out on it, but no one got nasty until you started mouthing off.  So yah, do us all a favor and don't troll around looking for a fight, and don't post unless you have something useful to contribute.
Indeed indeed..  thanks Pabloman for leaping to my defense!

I actually own an LP with a 60s neck and a JM with a Warmoth Wolfang neck... I'm just saying.  When you have them in hand, they are not remotely comparable.  No need for calipers to figure that one out as the difference is not even close to being subtle.  Though I no longer have it, my 96 LP - with 50s neck - felt about as chunky as the wolfgang.  It may be in the way you hold the neck.  I'm sloppy so my thumb is most often over the fretboard edge which means I'm feeling more of the thick / bass side of the assymetric neck rather than the slimmer treble end.  This is sounding a little phalic though so I'm not going to elaborate further on that one.

WIth that said, I agree that a 60s roundback would be great.  I would have bought at least 2 by now if they were available!  Food for thought.   

Regardless of the actual dimensions, I think the asymetry of the Wolfgang would automatically take it out of the running for being comparable to a 60s Gibson.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Regardless of the actual dimensions, I think the asymetry of the Wolfgang would automatically take it out of the running for being comparable to a 60s Gibson.

Oh I definitely agree with you guys that anyone would think the asymmetric Wolfgang is immediately out of the running.  I'm just saying it's the only Warmoth neck that is literally within a few thousandths of an inch from being spot on with all three of my 60's Gibson necks.  I personally am not a guy that's picky over the shape of a neck, but the depth has to be right or my hand starts cramping up.  To each his own I guess..

Elgravos is spot on with the Standard Thin being almost the exact shape.  It's the 12th fret fatness that is the problem.  The Standard Thin is almost a hundred thousandths too thin at that point.

Believe it or not, the Clapton is another one that's close, but it's a V, and the 1st fret position is too fat.

LOL, so you can't win for losing!  Goes to show that Warmoth definitely needs a 60's Roundback !!
Yep, I actually considered the Clapton for a couple of seconds on my last build as it came closest.  Decided not to risk the V profile in the end though.
Klark said:
pabloman said:
You could "read" into it whatever you want.

Right, and YOU can continue to read it like a 5th grader, which is not giving the poster enough respect to truly understand what he's concerned with.  He asked 'which Warmoth contour' but that is because that is what they are called.  He could have said neck, or profile, or shape, or whatever.  He states NO concern towards D shape, C shape, V shape, asymmetric, or any comment concerning shape.  But he does however flat out state that he is concerned with the size. 

And did you even notice that I was the 2nd poster in this thread?  I offered my actual measurements to leftybill without opinion, and without negativity.  I didn't say a single nasty thing until after elgravos chimed in with his ridiculous statement that they are NOTHING alike.  His obviously incorrect statement completely disregards and condescends my actual measurement, but you're saying I got nasty first?

And since you're so sensitive, what exactly is so terrible about what I said?...

"Really?  It's nothing like it?  Well gee, that's a real scientific response.  If you put aside your opinion and use a caliper..."

Man, what a horrible thing to say to someone, I'm gonna rot in hell.  I don't know where you come from, but where I come from, calling someone an ass and telling them to open their eyes and shut their mouth would get your smart ass beat compared to what I said.

The reality here is neither elgravos or myself really got all that nasty.  Sure he condescended me, and I then called him out on it, but no one got nasty until you started mouthing off.  So yah, do us all a favor and don't troll around looking for a fight, and don't post unless you have something useful to contribute.
I don't really care how you handle things on the play ground. I am a married man with children. If I'm going to do something as stupid as getting into a fight it's going to be for a good reason and i will definately f*ck someone up. I try to teach my children right from wrong and sticks and stones and all that. Too bad your father didn't do the same. It's obvious you have no idea what respect is. I don't know how else to explain it to you. I don't believe it's the words you are having trouble with, I think it's the concept. Let me try it one last time and then I will be done giving you the attention you crave. There is no need to condescend somebody in an attempt to prove your superiority. Show some class and have some respect. That's it plain and simple no more no less. No need to debate or argue or whatever. You have said what you have to say as have I so let it go. Oh, and welcome to the forum. I look forward to many more of your contributions as it seems you are quite knowledgable :party07:
pabloman said:
I am a married man with children.....I try to teach my children right from wrong and sticks and stones and all that. Too bad your father didn't do the same.  It's obvious you have no idea what respect is.

Ok, but you do?  I kindly offer my (measured & verified) experience to leftybill, a guy comes in (with an opinion that's incorrect) and basically says I'm an idiot, then you come in and start blaming me, telling me to shut up, saying I'm an ass and a dick, and then you bring my father into it??  You really are a piece of work.  I honestly feel sorry for your wife & kids.

There is no need to condescend somebody in an attempt to prove your superiority.

I didn't condescend anybody, nor was I proving any superiority.  I simply said elgravos's response wasn't very scientific, so he should put aside his opinion and measure them.  That's it!!  That's all I said !!

I look forward to many more of your contributions as it seems you are quite knowledgable.

I wish the feeling was mutual.  You haven't contributed a single thing to this entire post, you obviously can't read or understand even the simplest of things, and without a doubt, you're the most arrogant hypocrite I've ever encountered on any forum..  Your posts are ignored from here forward.
I don't mean to drag this out but my opinion was not incorrect.  I have the benefit of speaking from experience here given that I own all the gear that is mentioned and have long considered the wolfgang vs 60s neck matter - for a couple of years in fact.  Check my posts, it pops up in a few places.  I don't use calipers when I play - you can't compare an asymetric neck with a regular round back based on dimensions.  I stand behing my opinion and strongly believe that it requires no correcting.  If I bought a wolfgang expecting the feel of a Gibson 60 on the basis of measurements alone, I would be pretty damn disappointed when I got it out of the box.
if you wrap a tape measure around the back of the neck and include the sides on the fretboard (but exclude the playing part), the slim taper measures 2 1/2" at the first fret and 3" at the 12th.

i think the warmoth standard thin is quite close to the slim taper.