What you usually wear


Senior Member
I was just wondering what you wear casually, or everyday. I usually wear jeans or corduroy trousers, a shirt(usually wing collar, and matt colours like blue, green and yellow.) A waistcoat(leather, woolen plain or with designs) and a cravat or bowtie. If I go out I wear a tweed jacket and a bowler hat. I wear doc martens, 'gator cowboy boots or suede desert boots.
I am a naturalist, so I do not wear  :toothy10: :toothy10:anything ever

ok ok, I put on a cowboy hat to go to church
I'm pretty easy. I literally wore the same belt every day for 5 years except the days I had to get dressed up (it was a Starting Line belt I bought from their merch booth at Warped Tour '05). Jeans, t-shirt, converse, and a zip up hoodie; either my yellow or red one, I usually switch between them every couple weeks. Had both of those for about 3 years now too... I was always a pretty skinny kid through high school, usually hanging around 125 to 130 pounds. I recently began outgrowing all my jeans, stepped on a scale and realize I'm up to 165 :icon_biggrin: as happy as I am to hit a decent weight it meant I had to replace all the jeans I had worn for years.
Recently got out of wearing band t shirt after band t shirt, considering most of them i had outgrown by now,
What i usually wore for the past 4-5 years is a warwick basses denim jacket, which now has plenty of holes in the sleeves, and in the bottom of one of the pockets,
Once i get it back home over easter it will be getting a revamp with some material from old jeans, but im happy with the five year relic'ing process it has gone through  :headbang1:
That isn't going anywhere soon thats for sure
I usually look like this:

Tartan mini skirt, white blouse, tie half undone, white long socks and platform shoes.....kinda like this:

On more formal occassions I wear a kilt and full Scottish regalia.


I used to wear nice things... then I started teaching kids to use creme makeup and liquid latex.  So the nice things just hang in my closet now. :(
Vhelchroh said:
I was just wondering what you wear casually, or everyday. I usually wear jeans or corduroy trousers, a shirt(usually wing collar, and matt colours like blue, green and yellow.) A waistcoat(leather, woolen plain or with designs) and a cravat or bowtie. If I go out I wear a tweed jacket and a bowler hat. I wear doc martens, 'gator cowboy boots or suede desert boots.

I would like a picture of that..
My work clothes are 'business casual' . I am trying to lean as much as I can get away with towards casual these days.
Usually blue jeans and polo shirt for work (I.T). Casual is usually jeans or cargo shorts, sneakers and a t-shirt or hoodie. Formal is always dress to impress.


Nah I usually wear Cowboy boots, Jeans, Suede Jacket and a Cowboy hat.

Every day, since I was in 5th grade... I've worn blue jeans.  That was 43 years ago.  The preference is jeans and black tshirt.  Occasionally, a grey tshirt, every once in a while, a black tshirt with a logo on it.  If it gets cooler, flannel shirt over that.  Cooler weather yet, leather jacket over tshirt.  When it gets cold as a well diggers ass, I'll dig out the M1965 jacket, but the liner has only gone into it once - when it was just about -15F up in Canada out on the western foothills.
Shorts or jeans, polo or t shirts, sandals for everyday
Add a nice shirt and sport coat with cowboy boots to dress up
My hats are fedoras or Aussie style
At work,well safety first
At work (I'm a translator for the Minister of Revenue), it's jeans, Chuck Taylors and a shirt with buttons of some kind. Actually, that's pretty much it every day, except replace the button-down shirt with a t-shirt, usually from Threadless.
on a day off: khaki cargos or jeans, t-shirt with an obscure movie reference
work: scrubs