What pots should I get?


Orange Tortex

If I have a two humbucker layout, do I need 500k or 250k?
Also I want low friction pots so what’s a good brand for those?
With two humbuckers you generally use 500k

I've only used CTS and Bourns pots, but the Bourns were the lower friction. I've heard that Seymour Duncan pots (which I think are made by Bourns) are low friction, particularly the SD "YGM Speed Pot".
I should mention that I want low friction pots because of one specific song I like to play: Cathedral. I don’t want to freeze it by constantly rolling it on and off like the song requires.
On the other hand, I do also like them to spin smoothly.
I've been really happy with these:

Not the absolute easiest I've ever had but still very smooth and easy to turn.

Make sure to first discover the length of shaft you want.
This specific one that I linked to works well with rear routed. (no pickguard)