What pickups should I use


So I'm going to be building a Gecko 5 for myself soonish, and I was wondering what pickups would get me the best sound? I'm looking for a bluesy sound, and I'm going with a mahogany body. Also how should I position the pickups?
DC, there were already a few responses to your build a 5 string thread.

With all due respect, the question is so broad it is almost impossible to answer.  The best suggestion to you would be to go to the largest music store you can find and try out as many basses as you can.  Find out what sounds good to *you.*  Take notes of the woods, pickups, etc... of the basses you like and the basses you don't like.  This will help you narrow down your possible options.  More importantly, you will form your own opinion of what you like.  This is your homework.  Once you have a baseline to work from, others can help you refine your choices.
Sorry about vagueness of my post, just generally new to forums in general, as well as building an instrument. Thanks for the input, I'll definitely get on that homework as soon as possible. Thanks for the responce.