Volitions Advocate
Hero Member
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Hey guys.
There are a lot of new faces around here, I feel like I'm swimming in unfamiliar territory here. A lot of people I haven't met yet.
It's been awhile since I've been a regular around here. I guess school got in the way of playing guitar. That and having a pregnant wife meant that the band took a long hiatus. But I've been keeping busy and I figured what better way to blast back into the forum than to report on my absence.
Mostly, I only have 3 cool things to report:
My son Maddox
I've already posted a picture of him before. He's just over a month old now and just as freakin awesome as ever.
After building my first 2 Warmoths I decided to go back to school and get a music degree. My major is in digital audio, though, so instead of being a performance major, technically my instrument is a computer. I plan to be some sort of sound scientist. I'm just entering my 3rd year this September and this is what I've got to look forward to for the next school year.
I'm the one who looks like he needs a week of sleep, a razor, and a few less cheeseburgers.
and #3
The only physical activity I get anymore:
I rejoined the sport of paintball last summer, and this year i'm going all out. Managed to get invited to join a sponsored team and the pretend Rambo-ness is rampant this june-july-august. In all reality, Paintball is just one tiny step up from complete nerdy, only thing more nerdy is LARPers and Airsoft. *jab* eheheh.
In just over 3 weeks time I'm playing my second ever big scenario game on a ranch in Southern Alberta. 4 days of camping and pretending i'm Jack Bauer.
Assuming I don't have to spend half my research grant money on my house taxes this year, I'll probably be buying some pickups and things for my W Strat, something aftermarket (im' thinking Rio Grande) rather than the stock crap I transplanted. Trying to tie down some bandmates and get back into the music. As it's pretty silly to be a music major and never play.
Cheers you guys. I"ll try to be around a little more often.
There are a lot of new faces around here, I feel like I'm swimming in unfamiliar territory here. A lot of people I haven't met yet.
It's been awhile since I've been a regular around here. I guess school got in the way of playing guitar. That and having a pregnant wife meant that the band took a long hiatus. But I've been keeping busy and I figured what better way to blast back into the forum than to report on my absence.
Mostly, I only have 3 cool things to report:
My son Maddox

I've already posted a picture of him before. He's just over a month old now and just as freakin awesome as ever.
After building my first 2 Warmoths I decided to go back to school and get a music degree. My major is in digital audio, though, so instead of being a performance major, technically my instrument is a computer. I plan to be some sort of sound scientist. I'm just entering my 3rd year this September and this is what I've got to look forward to for the next school year.

I'm the one who looks like he needs a week of sleep, a razor, and a few less cheeseburgers.
and #3
The only physical activity I get anymore:

I rejoined the sport of paintball last summer, and this year i'm going all out. Managed to get invited to join a sponsored team and the pretend Rambo-ness is rampant this june-july-august. In all reality, Paintball is just one tiny step up from complete nerdy, only thing more nerdy is LARPers and Airsoft. *jab* eheheh.
In just over 3 weeks time I'm playing my second ever big scenario game on a ranch in Southern Alberta. 4 days of camping and pretending i'm Jack Bauer.
Assuming I don't have to spend half my research grant money on my house taxes this year, I'll probably be buying some pickups and things for my W Strat, something aftermarket (im' thinking Rio Grande) rather than the stock crap I transplanted. Trying to tie down some bandmates and get back into the music. As it's pretty silly to be a music major and never play.
Cheers you guys. I"ll try to be around a little more often.