
What do you think of this paint scheme


Senior Member
I was originally thinking of doing a straight silver guitar.  Lately I have been thinking about doing a little more and a checkerboard silver pattern with dark metalic and light metalic silver.  I did a test board to see what it would look like.  The darker silver I can't use for the actual guitar since it is an enamel paint.  I would buy a darker silver metalic with flake in it.  Is this too much or do you think it would look good on the entire guitar?

I've seen guitars with a wooden checkerboard pattern on top and they looked pretty sweet.  I'd say go for it, you don't really ever see guitars like that and it would probably look really nice.
Yeah, I'd do it if I were you. There are a lot of nice guitars that all look alike... not saying that makes them bad, but it's cool to see something "outside the box" for a change.
that is a great job of finishing, you are doing good with your practice
About the pattern, It is not me but then my ideas are not you. I can say it looks well done and catches the eye nicely. It is also not everyone else's guitar. I think that if it pleases you and is not a off the wall look, go for it. Half of building is so you can have an individual item, the other half is the pride of showing off your work.
Your test board looks good, however, I wouldn't use enamel paint, I'd use laquer for ease of sanding, dries quick, buffs out nice, goes on thin
Thanks for the advice.  I liked the way the test board, I was just concerned that the whole front of the guitar covered in it might look wierd.  I think I will definitely go for it then.  Now I just have to wait for the parts to show up in.
On a side note.  I ordered the neck and body and then a couple of days later emailed them to add the hardware to the same order.  In his email he wrote me that they would be shipping my order in a couple of days.  I was so excited since I heard it took weeks for everyone here.  Then I checked my email again and he sent a correction saying he did not nottice the custom body on my order and it would ship in a few weeks.  I was so excited for about 5 minutes.  Hopefully several weeks means 3.
Disco Scottie said:
Yeah, I'd do it if I were you. There are a lot of nice guitars that all look alike... not saying that makes them bad, but it's cool to see something "outside the box" for a change.

+1 I think it will be really cool. From afar just look like a silver strat, but then when you get close you notice the checkboard. Or it would be cool if the checkerboards caught the light differently. I say do it :icon_thumright:
Danuda said:
Thanks for the advice.  I liked the way the test board, I was just concerned that the whole front of the guitar covered in it might look wierd.  I think I will definitely go for it then.  Now I just have to wait for the parts to show up in.
On a side note.  I ordered the neck and body and then a couple of days later emailed them to add the hardware to the same order.  In his email he wrote me that they would be shipping my order in a couple of days.  I was so excited since I heard it took weeks for everyone here.  Then I checked my email again and he sent a correction saying he did not nottice the custom body on my order and it would ship in a few weeks.  I was so excited for about 5 minutes.  Hopefully several weeks means 3.
I ordered a custom body first of the month, no shipping email yet, could be  5 weeks or more, But then you get what you want, I live teles, but went with a Strat Hardtail bridge so it seems that non standard is a bit of a wait