
What binding would better match a MINT pickguard? Cream or Ivoroid?


Senior Member
What binding would better match a MINT pickguard? Cream or Ivoroid?

The body will be traditional Three tone sunburst.
Well, there's always the matter of personal taste, but I would say that if I were building the guitar, I think ivoroid would look better nearly 100% of the time. Unless you want the contrast of the cool green versus the warm yellowish cream. Ivoroid is more color neutral, and would probably provide less of a clash with the mint.
RockStarNick said:
What binding would better match a MINT pickguard? Cream or Ivoroid?


Or, get a decent-colored pickguard. They're cheap. Binding is expensive. What ever gave anybody the idea that a mint pickguard would look good? Green doesn't match anything but trees and bird's nests.

But, if you must, do the cream. At least it's somewhere near brown, which has green components so you have half a chance of it marrying up.
Cagey said:
What ever gave anybody the idea that a mint pickguard would look good? Green doesn't match anything but trees and bird's nests.

Yeah, mint pickguards look absolutely horrible on just about everything.  :dontknow:

Like I said though, no binding.
Binding is ugly enough on it's own, but combined with a pickguard, that's just too much cheap plastic on a guitar, unless the pickguard is Les Paul style or something.
Wow!!! no love for Mint guards on Three tone Sun burst?  I love the look, personally. It looks cool, because it looks so wacky.

RockStarNick said:
Wow!!! no love for Mint guards on Three tone Sun burst?  I love the look, personally. It looks cool, because it looks so wacky.

If it's wacky you're after, why not put a purple pickguard on there, and load it up with fluorescent inventory stickers?


Confusing wacky or different with good is how people end up regretting socially inappropriate tattoos and piercings once they sober up.
RockStarNick said:
Wow!!! no love for Mint guards on Three tone Sun burst?  I love the look, personally. It looks cool, because it looks so wacky. 

I love Mint guards and have one on a Tobacco Burst body, but the question wasn't if we like Mint guards, but what binding goes best with them.  And...you never mentioned 3-tone Burst til then, not that it matters.

RockStarNick said:
What binding would better match a MINT pickguard? Cream or Ivoroid?

If you're worried about the color not matching, and your heart is set on a bound body, go with black.  Of course, that assumes you're not doing a tobacco or 3-color burst (or any other burst with a black edge).