I have a Warwick Fortress One with a Wenge/Ebony neck. It is a 5 string fretless with a birdseye maple body and a satin amber finish. I have to say after playing my Fender for years, and trying pals basses out, I was a little bit nervous about the fretless. The thing is, that neck it so easy to play. The shape doesn't seem to be anything special, it it just easier to play on. It took me about a day and I could play anything on the fretless I could play on the fretted Fender. I never would have thought about the glossy finish on the Fender, but after comparing the two, the wenge is just flat out easier for me to play on. I suppose words are failing me, but you don't stick to it, it is very comfy. The best way I can describe this is it is like having the right tool for a job. You wonder how you ever got by before it. I am not sure how it will sound on a guitar, but I guess I will just have to try one and see.
Patrick from Davis