
Well,,,,, 2 bodies ordered

TBurst Std

Hero Member
Ordered 2 bodies today.  Hopefully they can fulfill them as they are both LW Swamp Ash

Body 1. LW Swamp Ash Strat with heel contour.  Universal route.  Dbl battery box (no purpose now other than to reduce weight). Recessed NFT Floyd route. No finish. 
This one will go to Tonar for that awesome Mary Kaye finish he posted a while ago.

Body 2. LW Roasted Swamp Ash Tele with heel contour. Std pup routes. Dbl battery box (same reason as above). Vintage ash tray Tele bridge route. Trans Amber finish.

Body 2 was the hard one, but after 4 years of no or limited contact from the person that was helping finish the body, I have to presume I’ll never see it.

Both I put notes in to contact me as there are off menu items.

I’ll complete the Tele first as I already have the neck fully done and setup by Cagey, as well as the pups.

The Strat will in the end be a S S S config, but I went Universal as it may be H S S for a while.

Now to send an email to Wilde Pickups
I’m torn between the L500-L vs L500-XL

It’s an interim situation. The end plan is for SD YJM set. I’m thinking until the hair rock specific Guitar is built, I’ll through the BL HB in it. It will be paired with the middle and neck YJMs
TBurst Std said:
Ordered 2 bodies today.  Hopefully they can fulfill them as they are both LW Swamp Ash

Gotta get while the getting is good!  :icon_thumright:
I’m torn between the L500-L vs L500-XL
FWIW, my vote would be for the L.  I have had both in my Warmoth and I like the L much better.  It doesn't have as much of that trebly ice-picky thing that I get from the XL (though it is easy enough to drop in a resistor or EQ that out).  I actually like the R about as much and still have one but feel I get slightly better dynamics with the L so it is currently mounted. 

I do still have an XL in my N4 for nostalgia as much as anything.
Becky replied and suggest the L as well.  I may go with the L280s for the M and N as well. Then transition the whole set over to a future build. 
Yehah. Thankfully I'm not a huge swamp ash nut. Now if the basswood borer gets going we're gonna have a problem.