
Washed Blue Dye


Senior Member
I am planning my next build (will be the 3rd with warmoth parts) and I am truly digging that Washed Blue Dye finish and plan to build a VIP with that and a wenge neck.  Reminds me a lot of the PRS Modern Eagle II guitar which I have always had a hardon for.  I tried playing with the Custom Body Builder feature on the website, and it seems to let me do a mahogany back with a flamed Washed blue top and masked natural binding...but not a quilted maple top?  I seem to have the same problem when grabbing a showcase body and trying to select how I want it finished?  The Body Builder only lists a DL top for the quilted, and not a solid quilt top...but the showcase body I used was listed as a solid maple top.  I am leaning towards flame anyways, but that washed blue looks dang nice with the quilt too!!


DL Quilt tops cannot have natural masked binding. Regular binding is fine though. If you go with a Flame Maple top you can do natural masked binding.

Solid Quilt Maple tops thick enough for a carved top are few and far between. They'll show up on the Showcase from time to time but it is too scarce to be a standard offering.
So if the body is listed as a solid quilted maple top, would that be a candidate for masked natural binding?
Ok.  Thanks for clarifying that for me!!  Does anyone have pictures of completed Washed Blue Dye top guitars?  What grade of top shows the most variation in color?
Higher grades have more variation, straighter lines, "better" figure. I would put that top at 4 or 5A. With Warmoth, you might be able to order 3A, but I'd go higher.
This was my Warmoth carved top soloist..guessing it would be considered a 3A. 


Guessing a 5A would look wicked with the rubbed dye...but so would the price!  LOL.  Only $$ right  :headbang1:
I did the same thing last year. Washed colors were optional so I sent the first two pics and I got what you see in the third... :occasion14:
That PRS is definately a work of art...but nice looking tele!!  Any completed pictures of it?  The washed look really makes the grain pop and is definately the look I want on my next guitar.  Anyone built something with the washed blue look?
Ok, so I found this body on the showcase:


Solid quilt maple top.  Started to configure it with a washed blue top and a clear finish back, and it says Clean Line for the masked binding.  Pretty sure that is what I had on my Soloist and not what I want here.  Still kicking around other ideas before I call in the final body to warmoth, but kinda curious if I can get the finish options I want...
I don't really want a bursted top.  I am looking for the dyed top.  Is there any way to get the masked binding with a washed dye top and clear back?
MN_JDTele said:
... Is there any way to get the masked binding with a washed dye top and clear back?

No, if a showcase body does not have binding they don't do binding. You have to do a custom order or search for a showcase body with binding. I never understood these limitations on unfinished showcase bodies. They don't do contoured heel also.
Can't get masked binding on an unfinished body from the showcase?  I can understand plastic binding because routing is involved, but masked binding?  It's not really even binding, just the contrast between finish and non finish giving the appearance of binding.
Kostas said:
MN_JDTele said:
... Is there any way to get the masked binding with a washed dye top and clear back?

No, if a showcase body does not have binding they don't do binding. You have to do a custom order or search for a showcase body with binding. I never understood these limitations on unfinished showcase bodies. They don't do contoured heel also.
You have the two mixed up. Masked binding is simply applying tape to the edge of the body before applying the color/dye. Once the color is applied the tape is removed. Then the body is clear coated. This uncolored wood simulates binding.
And that is what I am looking for.  The natural Masked binding.  I don't want the plastic binding.  I have to believe it is possible to do.  Will probably just have to call warmoth when the time comes to get the ball rolling.  Hopefully soon!
Natural mask binding is available on most showcase bodies. A raw VIP is no problem to order with Natural Mask binding.