
Warning! Top Routing Travesty ahead!!

Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Anybody ever had Beer-ios?  It's when you poor beer over your Cheerios.

Fred Sanford, upon being chastised by Lamont for offering a beer to a child...

"Look at the ingredients! It's just cornflakes in a can!!!"
RLW said:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Anybody ever had Beer-ios?  It's when you poor beer over your Cheerios.

Fred Sanford, upon being chastised by Lamont for offering a beer to a child...

"Look at the ingredients! It's just cornflakes in a can!!!"
I read in a metal hammer magazine that a guy pours jagermeister in his cornflakes. Mmm, hmmm, Herb liqueur in cornflakes. 
I tried Beerio's once...ugh.

It didn't help that I just woke up on the floor of the fraternity living room with a small herd of elephants running thru my head.  They were "emptying" the keg to be returned and it was Natural Lite.  :tard:
Ya know, call me nuts but I think strats and teles look "naked" without a pickguard.  I am much more likely to buy this thinline as is than if they had rear-routed it.  I own a rear-rout strat and it's not my favorite.  :dontknow: