I posted recently that I had my eyes open for a nice 335-style semi. I played a bunch, went around to some music stores, and finally scored this baby on craigslist - the discontinued Ibanez as103 custom. Sweet! The seller had already installed straplocks, setup is really good right now, frets are great, fret ends perfect. This thing really looks good from close up and far away. Sounds really really good - I had planned on having to install the SD set that I've got sitting around, but I'm going to keep these in it for a while for sure, all the electronics work perfectly. It has a lot more bling than I would normally choose, and I'd prefer nickel hardware, but I couldn't pass it up for 1/4 the price of a basic Gibbo and only a little more than a new epi dot. It is really, really strange to have a new guitar that needs no work of any kind though....