Warmoth video: One Guitar vs Itself


Somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
Staff member
Here is a video we did out of sheer curiosity.

I knew it!  I'm only going to record on day 5 now, if I can figure out when that is.
Your experience helps a lot with keeping a consistent volume and playing style. I'm sure if you had me do this test, you would hear a difference between days.  :laughing11:
Just for scientific rigor all variables need to be locked down--need to wear same shirt, pants and underwear.
Cool idea for a video. I concur, no appreciable difference. So did you actually going through the motions of removing and re-installing the neck between day 1 and 2?
Next video. Same guitar/amp played with 5 different people, player choice of strings and pick.
Excellent video. It does show that your control is right on the money. Anyone with doubts can lay them to rest, now. :turtle:
There is a cool blog post somewhere out there on the interwebs, where a guy did 50 self-portraits, each one immediately after taking a different kind of mind-altering drug.

It was fascinating, and in some cases frightening.

Maybe a video along those lines?  :eek:
double A said:
There is a cool blog post somewhere out there on the interwebs, where a guy did 50 self-portraits, each one immediately after taking a different kind of mind-altering drug.

It was fascinating, and in some cases frightening.

Maybe a video along those lines?  :eek:
Just say no
double A said:
There is a cool blog post somewhere out there on the interwebs, where a guy did 50 self-portraits, each one immediately after taking a different kind of mind-altering drug.

It was fascinating, and in some cases frightening.

Maybe a video along those lines?  :eek:
Are we to assume he waited for each one wear off completely before taking the next one? :tard:
I heard much more harmonic tones with the red shirt vs much more fundamentals with the black shirt LOL
His adderall pic looks nothing like the effects I experienced (prescribed dosage) ScrewthisnobodyhastimetodrawstupidpictureswhenwecanconquertheworlheylookitsabutterflydangwhatwasIohyeahnevermind. <scribbledonehappynow?!!>. That didn't last long before I had the doc change it.

Haha. Totally unscientific test. In fact, the doc started me on two brand new prescriptions the same day. Adderal and Androgel. I felt like trying out for a major league baseball team at 40. My wife told me in no uncertain terms to never ever take those two together again before she got out the door in the morning.
double A said:
There is a cool blog post somewhere out there on the interwebs, where a guy did 50 self-portraits, each one immediately after taking a different kind of mind-altering drug.

It was fascinating, and in some cases frightening.

Maybe a video along those lines?  :eek:

I see that on a daily basis in my Seattle walk to the bus stop. But it might be the same drug on multiple days for some.
swarfrat said:
Haha. Totally unscientific test. In fact, the doc started me on two brand new prescriptions the same day. Adderal and Androgel. I felt like trying out for a major league baseball team at 40. My wife told me in no uncertain terms to never ever take those two together again before she got out the door in the morning.

I can imagine that being a potent combination. Another one, which you may have already learned, is to stay away from caffeinated drinks. Adderal and Ritalin both seem to have a synergistic effect when combined with caffeine that'll leave you wired to the walls and grinding your teeth down to nubs.