
Warmoth spotted Arctic Monkeys


Junior Member
Looks like a Warmoth to me, see the side adjust on what looks like a jazzmaster

From this page btw
The Gotoh side adjust isn't exclusive to Warmoth, but there's a good chance you're right.
Every time I see a guitarist without a headstock logo I wonder... Looks like you may have spotted one here!
I read about him in Premier guitar and it did list a Warmoth Jazzmaster
I have never heard this band though..  I see Warmoth mentioned a lot of times in Premier guitar, but they are usually guitarists of bands I don't know..
JaySwear said:
Every time I see a guitarist without a headstock logo I wonder... Looks like you may have spotted one here!

Same here. A friend's jazz band was putting on a show last night, and her bassist was playing a logo-less, trans orange J. For the whole set I sat wondering if it was a Warmoth. It was, and I was happy.  :icon_biggrin:
Marko said:
I see Warmoth mentioned a lot of times in Premier guitar, but they are usually guitarists of bands I don't know..

I suspect as soon as they're "known" the major OEMs swoop in and sign them up to endorsement deals. Can't have millions of people looking at a player that isn't holding a Gibson, Fender or PRS guitar.
How funny is that ....  :icon_biggrin:
I saw them on TV last night on the UK 'Graham Norton Show' here in Oz.
Playing that guitar.
Here's what I saw. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_2Q7avcvjg