
Warmoth Pro neck X-ray


Hero Member
I have the X-ray of the Warmoth chambered strat body, but was wondering if one exists for a Warmoth Pro Strat neck. I'd like to see where the truss rods are for drilling purposes.

Doughboy said:
I have the X-ray of the Warmoth chambered strat body, but was wondering if one exists for a Warmoth Pro Strat neck. I'd like to see where the truss rods are for drilling purposes.

Can't help you, but could you show us the X-ray?
The Pro necks have the double expanding truss rod which runs pretty much the entire length of the neck, so I wouldn't put any holes closer than 1/4" from the centerline.


Here's some info on the Gotoh side adjuster: http://www.warmoth.com/Guitar/necks/sideadjust.aspx


I'd say it's about 1" wide X 3/4" or so, offset towards the body from the center of the side adjuster.

What are you planning to do exactly?
Haha nice... I was actually watching something on Discovery Channel today talking about a guy making x-rays of cars.
I don't know what he's planning to do, but I want to install threaded inserts on my latest neck, and I'd hate to

  • wreck the existing holes by not being able to finish drilling them due to the truss rod adjustment mechanism being in the way (this happens to be a "Pro" neck), or
  • wreck a perfectly good Forstner bit by running into the truss rod adjustment mechanism.

Has anybody successfully done this with a "Pro" series neck?
I always contour the heel & then drill the neck holes.

I thought it would help to have an accurate x-ray view of where the truss rods are.
Thanks! That's encouraging. I've used these inserts before, even recently (they're great for mounting speakers), but not in a neck.
Seeing as I want to do something akin to an AANJ on my guitar. and its going to have a lefty explorer neck (so I'm told no truss rod adjuster in the heel) I'm sure I can move one screw back quite a bit, and be okay.

but moving it in, scares me... I could have sworn someone told me the Warmoth Pro necks have these extra strips of steel in them to help avoid warping...

has anyone found a top view of  the neck? so I can be sure how far in is safe?

seeing as an Iceman is essentially a single cut guitar, I'm not to worried about moving the other 3 screws.