
Warmoth Neck Plates?


Hero Member
i think warmoth should sell neckplates with there signature "W" on it, i would buy one  :laughing7:
You can get one of these from Doug.  I think they are the coolest W plates around...

line6man said:
Meh, the Warmoth logo is boring when Doug can do you something custom. :dontknow:

I agree with you +10,000,000.  But they were asking for Warmoth plates...

Don't get me wrong, I have a couple of doug's plates and I love them, but not everyone is on the forum and not everyone knows about him haha.
JamesL said:
AGWAN said:
So what you're really saying is "Warmoth, Hire Doug."


The problem with that is that then they would be more expensive.
If Warmoth hires Doug, they will have to jack up the price so that they can make their profit on the neckplates.
It's cheaper to buy directly from Doug.
Someone else said it best - turtles aren't metal.

The W whole logo thing is kind of shot out. What's that font called?
line6man said:
JamesL said:
AGWAN said:
So what you're really saying is "Warmoth, Hire Doug."


The problem with that is that then they would be more expensive.
If Warmoth hires Doug, they will have to jack up the price so that they can make their profit on the neckplates.
It's cheaper to buy directly from Doug.

You took that too literal. haha :icon_jokercolor:
DangerousR6 said:
elfro89 said:
i think warmoth should sell neckplates with there signature "W" on it, i would buy one  :laughing7:
I do all sorts of custom plates, the "W" included.... :icon_biggrin:

The loooooooooooong version...

The condensed version...

cheers dangerous! im not exactly sure what i want yet, or if i'll even go custom on the plate. I'll definitely keep you in mind though mate.
elfro89 said:
DangerousR6 said:
elfro89 said:
i think warmoth should sell neckplates with there signature "W" on it, i would buy one  :laughing7:
I do all sorts of custom plates, the "W" included.... :icon_biggrin:

The loooooooooooong version...

The condensed version...

cheers dangerous! im not exactly sure what i want yet, or if i'll even go custom on the plate. I'll definitely keep you in mind though mate.
:icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: