
Warmoth Mutt Axes


Hero Member
Hello folks. Most unworthy dog newb here asking question. Are the parts mutt Warmoths of legitimate concern here? Ive put together a few with Warmoth parts but other makers parts to make a Mutt guitar.
If this is what you are talking about  http://muttguitars.com/catalog/i19.html  For the same $240 directly from Warmoth, you'd have more choices.
IF that site is the guitars in question, this is a pretty bogus claim of theirs:

"We understand that not all guitar owners are guitar players. In fact, it's pretty common knowledge amongst the savvy that guitar collecting is better than real estate. With this in mind, feel very confident that your Mutt Guitar will undoudtedly increase in value after your purchase. Why? Because a One Of A Kind is the Holy Grail of any collection."

An (ugly) $300 knockoff or awkward melting pot of ideas guitar is not going to become a collector's item. Sorry.
when he says mutt think of a dog.

As far as I understand it your mileage will vary greatly depending on who you buy from for the same project.  Warmoth is spec'd to USA fender.  So if you have a Fender guitar any warmoth part will fit it and work. with the exception of some pickguards.  and that is only so long as you've got a good quality fender.  IF you've got an indonesian or koran fender you might not have so much luck. all the info is on the warmoth site.

As for mixing parts with other custom shops.  be careful.  USACG might be pretty close because I believe they're run by a bunch of ex - warmoth employees.  But you never know what each individual company has them selves set up for in terms of scale length and such.  Any warmoth neck works on any warmoth body.  But if you try to fit a warmoth neck on somebody elses custom body... even if the neck pocket is an exact fit.  It doesn't mean the guitar will work properly.  Do your research.  Warmoth has it all up on their site for their own parts.
nathan a said:
IF that site is the guitars in question, this is a pretty bogus claim of theirs:

"We understand that not all guitar owners are guitar players. In fact, it's pretty common knowledge amongst the savvy that guitar collecting is better than real estate. With this in mind, feel very confident that your Mutt Guitar will undoudtedly increase in value after your purchase. Why? Because a One Of A Kind is the Holy Grail of any collection."

An (ugly) $300 knockoff or awkward melting pot of ideas guitar is not going to become a collector's item. Sorry.

On the hompage.. do the girls come with the guitars?

.... seriously do they?
I understood what you meant.  :P  I have a Warmoth body with a Squier neck... they're not a good match, the intonation is off and I had to take a ton of wood off the neck to get the action reasonably low.  (The neck was much cheaper than the body so that's the part I sanded.)
I thought he was asking was it ok to post his guitars here even though they aren't made entirely of Warmoth parts.
That was the way I read it anyway.
Are you the same jerryjg from numerous other guitar related forums?
misplacedsanity said:
I thought he was asking was it ok to post his guitars here even though they aren't made entirely of Warmoth parts.
That was the way I read it anyway.

Yeah thats what i was really trying to find out.
There is one reason I could possibly see to jump ship, because USA Custom has a sort-of-limitless variation of neck shapes & sizes available. However, I think that the Warmoth double truss rod is so much stronger that if I really couldn't stand not having exactly "my" own neck shape, I'd buy a Warmoth boatneck or fatback and reshape it myself - if I'm so smart about contour anyway, why not.  :toothy12:
USACG uses the archaic-ness of their single truss rods as a marketing point - I ain't trading my Toyota for a mule, neither. As far as putting Warmoth necks on Squiers and mixing up parts from different places, if you can make it work so that the guitar sounds great and plays great, then it is a great guitar. Results are my only criterion.... Mongrel guitars are only as good or bad as you make them, there have been some fantastic ones:


If you can nail the lick at 1:44, you can play whatever the hell you want...

ugh..why no..no...thats not me..ugh...

I wasn't trying to be accusatory.  It's just that I have read some of your stuff from other forums.  I believe it may have been the Gibson forum, or something.  Nice to have you aboard.