
Warmoth / Fender Hybrid


Epic Member
This has been my #1 since I was 16 :)
it was originally a Japanese Contemporary/Standard 22 Strat. originally with a Schaller System I Tremolo.
When I moved to the US, the shipping company decided to destroy the body, so I had to start looking for a replacment body. I was supposed to be a simple cheap solid color body. But when I saw this body in the Warmoth Showcase I fell in love.. and that's when all the trouble started :):)
it has an Alder body with a really nice Birdseye maple top finished by Warmoth with a brown dye.
I added a Schaller FR and a Rio Grande BBQ bucker, also from Warmoth, and the results are fantastic!
It still plays just as good as it did all those years, but now it also looks fantastic and sounds sooo much better than it ever did!
This one is now also know as the 'orgasmocaster'


The birdseye has an exotic look and the brown dye gives a vintage vibe to it.  Very cool!
Great looking guitar. Looks like something I would love to get my hands on.
thanks! and yes, this one will never leave me :)
oh and the pool is great, and I really need it now... I am still not used to that bloody texas heat :)
The top is just perfect! I was I who found this, perhaps I just sold my mother, if I don't have $$ to pay for... :toothy12: :laughing11: :laughing3: