
Wanking With No Attenuation


Hero Member
So I was noodling around recording my amp sans attenuation... had to break out the 50' mic
cable and speaker cable; speaker cab in a separate room so I wouldn't toast my eardrums.

I call this the Mini Wank-O-Saurus #2 (9MB):


Half-Moth Strat with Seth Lover / Callaham Am Std Trem Parts
MI Audio Crunch Box
JTM45RI modded to 60's specs
Celestion Alnico Gold

Analog Delay provided by Bionic Delay VST.
Thanks all... this is just the beginning of my recording adventures utilizing an untamed (read: loud) amp.   :icon_thumright:

I've had to always use a HotPlate on the Marshall to keep the volume reasonable... now that I can play the geetar
and hear it in the monitors while the speaker cab blasts away in another room I'll be able to get that schweet unfettered tone.
Nice Marshall tone, you've still got plenty of digital clipping in the loudest sections though.
Great tone, hope ya neighbours can put up with the cranked beast going flat out without attenuation. Windows must be rattling at that volume!

Any chance you might put some acoustic deadening material around the room the amp is based in, so the volume out in the street ain't a giveaway that you have a BIG (read:expensive,valuable) amp in there? :icon_thumright:
Nah the volume's fine and I live in a good neighborhood, so no worries on that.

This was a test run with little time to tweak stuff - have to do input levels better... the signal was so
hot off my SM57 that even at low mic preamp input levels (but not bottomed out) there was some mic preamp clipping.  LOL

Now, this is a great way to get some real-world, accurate tone testing - I think for starters, I'll
do a comparison of the 4 OD/Distortion stomp boxes in my arsenal.  Another one would
be current-manufactured 12AX7 preamp t00bs (including vs. the NOS I normally use).  etc...
a problem you might encounter with this way of recording is mic overload, where you actually bottom out the mic. if the spl is high enough no gain tweaking on the recording equipment will fix a mechanical problem within the mic
...sounds like an emulator... :toothy12:

HAHA, just kidding! Sounds nice, good edge to the attack. Nice and Phat!
Double-mic your cab and you'll go from sounding like 1 100-foot tall amp to 100 100-foot tall amps.  :icon_thumright:
(You know... mic on the cone, mic at the edge of the speaker... it'd sound killer)