
Wait times on necks and nut prep?


Junior Member
Thinking of finishing up my project and I'm looking at a couple options.  All I have left is a neck and original floyd rose everything else is complete.  My problem is I need a neck w/floyd rose shelf, preferably prep already done.  I looked through the showcase necks and found a couple that interested me but they are unfinished.  I found another one that doesn't need finish but no prep for the nut and no frets installed.  First question, how long (ballpark) would it likely take to have one of the unfinished showcase necks finished, and sent out to me?  Next question how long would it take to have the nut prepped on an already finished neck.  Lastly is it fairly easy to put the locking nut on the shelf and drill out the holes or is there something I'm missing?  It seems easy enough to set the nut on the shelf, mark the holes, drill them out, and countersink them slightly in back for the nuts?
If it is unfinished, I would guess it would take 4 weeks to get it through that dept.  The fretting and shelf would probably take a couple of days.  When you got it, depending on the fret size, the shelf would have to be sanded down to the proper height for the locking nut.  Once that is completed (by you), throw it together, spend a half of a day getting the Floyd near where it needs to be (depending on you Floyd Patience Quotient/OCD ratio) and string up and annoy the neighbors.  My guess is it would be a month to 6 weeks to get to the end of it, if it was a unfinished showcase neck.  Your results may vary.

The last neck I got from the showcase unfinished I had a Floyd nut prep done, was at my doorstep within 12 days.
This might be a dumb question, under the showcase necks if it says "Jackson" does that refer to the head or is that neck made for a jackson guitar?
upnorthbacon said:
This might be a dumb question, under the showcase necks if it says "Jackson" does that refer to the head or is that neck made for a jackson guitar?

It just refers to the headstock shape.  :)

In answer to your original question, I dunno about Floyd prep but both of my necks got frets and a nut and were shipped within a week of ordering.  :)