
VIP body questions


Junior Member
Hi guys.

I'm planning my next build and I'm interested in a VIP, and I have a couple of questions.
  • Is it possible to get a VIP body in the SG thickness (1 1/2")?
  • Is it possible to have a single recessed control rout, or does it have to be done in a set of three?
  • I've noticed that the VIP bodies tend toward the heavy side in the showcase. Do they have inherently more volume, or is this more of a case of heavier woods being selected for VIP builds? What are the chances of getting one at under 3 lbs if I got a chambered one in basswood or swamp ash?

Thank you.
Not to put you off, but I think those are probably questions only Warmoth could answer with any certainty. The only one anyone else might have some input on is weight, since that's general knowledge and Warmoth will certainly use any wood you ask for if it's practical.

VIP bodies are often mahogany topped with maple, which makes them heavy since those are both dense woods. They will chamber them, but the I'm not sure how effective that is with those woods. Since they're so weighty, anything you can do helps, but I wouldn't expect miracles and you're running counter to the design intent. The main reason to go with those bodies (other than appearance) is to get what amounts to a Les Paul tone without the drawbacks of a Les Paul. The critical thing you have to have to do that is a lot of intrinsic inertia, and you just can't get that with a fly-weight body.
Like Cagey said, an email to the sales team would give you a better idea of what's plausible or not. 
-I would imagine they wouldn't do a chambered/hollow body in 1 1/2", they may or may not be willing to do it on a solid flat top. 
-As far as controls, I think they would be able to only do 1 hole, but expect to pay the full $45 upcharge for the recess. 
-I can't think of any body, even chambered basswood, that would come in under 3 lbs.  My swamp ash PRS is certainly no bantam-weight.  As far as lightweight, smallish body that isn't an SG, you may want to condsider the Musiclander or even a V...

Another consideration would be, if you've got your heart set on the VIP, is to get a carved top, solid body, and give the back a "contour" like an Ibanez S or a Warwick bass for weight loss.
Rickgrxbass said:
-I can't think of any body, even chambered basswood, that would come in under 3 lbs.  My swamp ash PRS is certainly no bantam-weight.  As far as lightweight, smallish body that isn't an SG, you may want to condsider the Musiclander or even a V...

You're right about the sub-3 lb. bodies. I don't think I've ever seen them in any style. But, swamp ash is certainly no guarantee of light weight. It's all over the board. I've picked up swamp ash bodies that felt like they were maple or mahogany or something, and others that were fly-weights. The lightweight swamp ash is getting pretty rare, as it only comes from the lower section - below 8' or so - of the trunk of the tree. That's why Leo stopped using it and went to Alder back in the '60s. Good ol' Mr. Fender was nothing if not practical when it came to building his guitars, as his whole philosophy was "guitars for the working musician". You can see it in The Showcase on Warmoth's site - Strat swamp ash bodies that are apparently identical will run between 3.5 and 5 pounds. That's a helluva range, considering they're all the same style and same species of wood.
Thanks for the responses, guys :). I'll email the sales team.

Incidentally, sub-3lb bodies occasionally pop up for Soloists, and the VIP seems (to me at least) to be pretty similar to a carved-top Soloist. The logic ran that, if a 1 3/4" flat-top Soloist can run in at 2 lb 9 oz, an extra 1/8" of wood (I'm not really bothered what kind) wouldn't have to tip the scales all that much.

I'll post back the answers here, in case they're of use to anyone else.
There's a 2lb 15 oz Alder soloist in the showcase right now. There was a 2lb 9oz'er in there last week.  That's got to be the absolute bare bottom end unless you want to swiss-cheese a soloist.
swarfrat said:
There's a 2lb 15 oz Alder soloist in the showcase right now. There was a 2lb 9oz'er in there last week.  That's got to be the absolute bare bottom end unless you want to swiss-cheese a soloist.

swarfrat said:
There's a 2lb 15 oz Alder soloist in the showcase right now. There was a 2lb 9oz'er in there last week.  That's got to be the absolute bare bottom end unless you want to swiss-cheese a soloist.

I don't mind the idea of less wood in the body - I love Steinberger GLs and they're just a hollow composite shell body. I also love the Parker Fly Deluxe, and that's hugely carved out. I mostly wanted the VIP body because I think they're pretty and would show off a flip-flop finish much better than something with a flat top.