
Two Warmoths from around 1993


Just wanted to post a couple Warmoth builds I did about 33 and 32 years ago. They still play great. Definitely inspired by 1980s rock/metal guitarists. I was pretty much a kid, and fumbled through building with the help of an experienced luthier. But he ensured they came out right.

I made the yellow/black one first, and had planned to do the same crackle (vreeble paint) finish as a top coat on the red/white/blue one. However, it was extremely difficult for me to get the colors to fade just right, and, after sanding and repainting it a dozen times or so, I didn't want to cover it up when I finally got it right.

I learned several things after making several mistakes. (Did you know: You shouldn't leave a guitar neck in a box in your garage for a year? Don't lay heavy coats of paint in your neck cavity? A pre-routed whammy bar cavity on a body purchased a year later sometimes is off by a fraction of a centimeter and can affect things?)

Yellow/Black has EMGs, wired like a Les Paul, but string-through-body bridge. A reverse headstock was popular in those days.

Red/white/blue has Seymour Duncan pickups. "Hot Rails" as I recall for the single coils, and the humbucker was supposed to be made for use with "whammy" bars. There's a recessed Floyd Rose rout, but I also wanted it set up with heavy strings to get more of an SRV sound. (Again, I was a kid...)

Schaller tuning pegs and 24-fret ebony fretboards on both. They're still fun to play and feel comparable to my Gibsons. Jumbo frets as I recall.

I call the red/white/blue one "Bomb Pop" because it reminded me of the popsicles I used to get as a kid.


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