
TURN RIGHT! before its too late!

27K may be fine while you're living with someone else, but it doesn't go far in the real world.
Paid my rent, paid my car payment. end of the month I had spending money in the bank. I was good!
it grows stronger each day...

remember when this thread was about whether or not I should give right handedness a go before I got skilled?

I'm happy we could take it off topic in less than a page.

and its all your fault!
At the risk of taking it in yet another direction...

Learning and memory are all about analogy and association. We learn by building on what we already know, and we remember by associating things with other things we already know. That's why it's so easy to take threads off-topic in forums like this, where you have a lot of intelligent people who are trying to gain knowledge as much as share it. One thing leads to another. It's natural. We should be thankful that the moderators are wise enough to know where the limits and potentials are.
Cagey said:
We should be thankful that the moderators are wise enough to know where the limits and potentials are.

+100! it's a great change from other forums where moderators will warn or ban people for nothing at all. the mods here really only get upset if things take a political or personal turn. otherwise, this is such an open forum.
Okay, I just did a warmoth build it up on what it would cost to recreate the spirit of that cheap little guitar, as an bomb diggity Warmoth iceman...

shockingly by Warmoth standards...

its still cheap. well under 800 bucks for the Warmoth end of it,

who knew Raw mahogany was so affordable!

I was tempted... but... I'm back on the lefty/Warmoth bandwagon.

such a spirited little guitar, though.

27k? I've been in places where half the population lives under $2 a day. Man, it's getting harder and harder to justify all my gear.  :-\
You can build a nice warmoth for $800 or less - even a pre-finished one if you are smart about hardware. And yeah, fretting chords is not natural and doesn't get 'comfortable' for a while, and odd new chords with long pinky stretches are always going to be a bit uncomfortable. Go lefty if you're a lefty, you've already found the right company to buy from.