
TURN RIGHT! before its too late!


Hero Member
Because there is nothing Left!

Okay, so here is the deal. I know I'm more comfortable holding a lefty handed guitar.

But the truth of it is. I have NO technique. I'm still in the process of figuring out the right guitar for me to learn on.

as my first guitar made it impossible to practice. I hated everything about it. especially not being able to manipulate the neck.

which I partly attributed to being so left hand dominant.

But I now know is... it had a giant Dag nasty B.C. Rich neck.

So, I'm thinking of dropping 269 bucks on this thing... knowing it is more or less a guitar that I will beat the heck out of and mod till it dies. with little love lost.


And giving righty one more go. before I jump into the abyss that is left handed guitars.

I sat with this thing for about half an hour today. its no show pony. but it does what it should. and doesn't kill my wrist.

Should I try one last time to sell out my fellow lefties?

Or, stay with what already feels Natural. despite my lack of practice in it.
first off i think ibanez makes killer medium-lower end guitars. seriously playable stuff, and good to learn on. my first 2 guitars were ibanez, and my bass was too before i started playing with 6 strings.

about the righty / lefty thing... i would try to learn lefty personally. if you're still pretty early on in learning then i guess it wouldn't make a whole huge world of difference, but as soon as i was able to fret chords i realized that my right hand was much much dumber than my left. if you're a true lefty i think your right hand would pick up on fretting more quickly than your left.

on the other hand it's leaps and bounds easier to find righty guitars out there, but you're a warmoth user. who needs shelf guitars? kidding. thats a big point to consider. i still say learn as a lefty though.
Well aside from being a complete traitor, and essentially spitting in the eye of your left-handed brethren (most notably me and Superlizard), i can't blame you for giving it one last go.  Not that i don't love choosing between Black or sunburst strat copies whenever go to a music store, but having all of the guitar options righties have would be pretty spectacular
jalane said:
Well aside from being a complete traitor, and essentially spitting in the eye of your left-handed brethren (most notably me and Superlizard), i can't blame you for giving it one last go.  Not that i don't love choosing between Black or sunburst strat copies whenever go to a music store, but having all of the guitar options righties have would be pretty spectacular

Exactly. its just so amazing to see this mahogany bodied little guy just sitting there... feeling amazing for only 269 beans...

then realizing that "HEY! Ibanez only makes four lefty guitars! they're all grey or black, and agathis or basswood!"

Damn Ibanez and their REAL 24 fret necks... that feel great to me...

and @ JaySwear: see, that was what I felt was so wrong with my first guitar,
I just couldn't fret the simplest things.
but now I wonder if the superwide, super flat, nearly rectangular Warlock neck with super high action and severe flex issues...

might have made more problems then being left handed.

I'm just sick of being guitar-less. I need something. Preferably with 24 usable frets.
Sounds to me like you are a lefty bro.............  I am a lefty, although I do some things right handed, like scissors and shooting a rifle.  But as for the guitar, it's gotta be left handed!.  I think that is where your problem is lying.  You are sounding like someone who is trying to learn how to snowboard and can't figure out which foot forward.  Normally in that situation you go with your dominant foot forward.  Guitar playing is sort of the same I guess, at least for me it is.  You 'lead' with the strumming and picking hand, not your fretting hand..... At least I do. 

Since you know about Warmoth, this should be a non issue when you want to build a guitar.  They'll do anything you want lefty.  Go lefty, really, I think you'll be happier and a better player when it's said and done.

I am righty. I remember back when I first started learning a few basic chords on a righty guitar. Nothing I have ever experienced felt more foreign and odd than trying to get my fingers to move to those frets. I don't think it would have made any difference which hand I was learning with. So, I would say try righty again.
See BigBeard, thats the thing. I love Warmoth and know regardless of which handed I will play, that I will build at least two in my future.

but... I just want something with the right kind of neck, right kind of shape, right kind of wood and a Neck joint that actually gets along with my palm.

that wont cost me 1,500 dollars to start.

and I want it now.

My biggest stressor with warmoth right now is that If I want an AANJ I have to do it myself. and then I have to find someone to paint it. and it will still cost an arm and a leg.

But... It may very well be I would end up being a better guitarist left handed than right. but... how much better?

I dunno. I'm just split on this.
As Kublai said earlier, when you're first starting out, fingering a chord is the most foreign thing you've ever asked your fingers to do, and they absolutely refuse to cooperate. It's something you learn through long practice, not anything that's "natural" or "comfortable".

I've wondered sometimes if I should have been a lefty, since I'm right-handed. My right hand has all the coordination I'm capable of right out of the box. It's so good, I can forge signatures I've never seen before just by directing that hand with my eye. I can copy sketches, draw from imagination, pick locks, diddle girlfriends to shudders, on an on. Lotta very fine skills that hand has, and they come naturally. So, you'd think I'd want to make chords or run leads with it. But, I learned on a right-handed guitar, so that's what I play. My brain developed the left-hand skills it needed over time, and here we are. I'm starting over, but that's another story.

Another thing I've always wondered about, though, is whether my left hand could have developed the mindlessness my right hand seems to have as far as timing and nuance. I think I could have learned to chord and so forth with my right hand, but I'm skeptical about my left hand ever getting any good at picking. There are timing issues, and dynamic nuances that I question my left hand's ability to ever do, as it doesn't do it with anything else. Plus, I know from personal experience and that of others that a wide variety of injuries to the brain (strokes, trauma, oxygen deprivation, etc.) often manifest them on the left side of your body. Not sure why that is, but it does say that side's vulnerable and possibly difficult to nail down or trust. I know since an accident I had some years back, my left side betrays me all the time now. You rarely hear about that happening to the right side.

Cagey said:
diddle girlfriends to shudders,

You know come to think about it...........  And I actually have put thought into this........  I play left handed guitar, and I pet ice cream with my left hand too.  I'm not saying that I never petted a kitty with my right hand, but I'm thinking 9 out of 10 times I go with the left.  I'll ask my wife which one is better  :o

Maybe you should figure out which hand you prefer to pet the kitty with...... go with that!  :icon_thumright:
It's not which hand I prefer as much as which she does, and I have a lot more endurance with my right hand. That's a big selling point when your hand's on the buzzer <grin>
jalane said:
Well aside from being a complete traitor, and essentially spitting in the eye of your left-handed brethren (most notably me and Superlizard), i can't blame you for giving it one last go.  Not that i don't love choosing between Black or sunburst strat copies whenever go to a music store, but having all of the guitar options righties have would be pretty spectacular

That's right.. I mean, left:  he's a heretic!  :icon_jokercolor:
ohhh ice cream... i'm right handed and dated a left handed girl for 3 years. that worked very very well.

...i think it's time for me to leave this thread.
JaySwear said:
ohhh ice cream... i'm right handed and dated a left handed girl for 3 years. that worked very very well.

...i think it's time for me to leave this thread.
:laughing7: :toothy12:
I've uh....

never petted Ice Cream,

heck, I've never even HELD HANDS with Ice Cream...

I do Relish the Hot Dog Left handed. but I'd be willing to do it with the right.

these food metaphors are kinda creepin' me out.
And I mean MY Personal Hot Dog.

Not the Hot Dogs of others.

I felt the need to clarify that.
My name is George. I’m unemployed and I live with my parents.


I find the pastrami to be the most sensual of all the salted cured meats.
^Yes That.

except I have an awesome head of hair, and its my grandparents I live with.

And I used to make plenty of Money, Until I totaled my Boss's car and lost the ability to work in the one field I was experienced at/had references for.


God I hope school gets over fast.
Don't be in too big a hurry. School is puppy chow. Working to support yourself is a major league pain in the shorts. Seems like making $100K/yr would be like winning the lottery until you have to pay $25K in taxes and $75K to keep comfortably warm, dry and fed. Unless, of course, you live in Europe and have "free" health care. Then you get to pay $75K in taxes and only have $25K left to keep barely warm, dry and fed. Or, if you're smart, you go into politics and make $1M/yr, and get the people to keep you warm, dry and fed <grin>
I have an excellent habit for living well on little.

I think the lack of Mortgage, girlfriend or children is key

27,000  a year is all I need to be happy. and then some!

but for the next two months. I will be making 600 dollars a month.

it hurts.
