
Trouble with my Knob


Hero Member
Well that got your attention  :laughing7:  :laughing11:

Trouble with my Knobs + CTS Pots

Is it just me  :icon_scratch:  or is anyone else having trouble fitting 'Knobs' onto CTS Pots 500K & 250K.

I'm not talking about knobs that have screws in them.

Hey I know you can squeeze the pot shaft … but I don't like doing that.
Sure you can scrape / sand the inside of knob ... but  I wouldn't drill it.

Could grind the sides of the pot shaft, this sounds the best way.

Any other's having this trouble & what was your work around / fix ?

Tried different knobs from different suppliers & the best fitting so far onto these CTS Pots is  >>> Tele Knobs


Updown  :blob7:
You're probably running into the metric vs. SAE dimension issue. Pots have had 1/4" shafts since forever, but 99.9% of them are made in some Pacific Rim country these days, so they are increasingly coming with 6mm shafts. Knobs are the same way. So, if you can get the dimensions of the parts you're buying, be sure they match each other.

Note: Just to belabor the obvious, 6mm is just shy of 1/4", so a 6mm knob is going to be too tight for a 1/4" shaft, while a 1/4" knob is going to be slightly loose on a 6mm shaft. To the naked eye, they'll all look like the same part.
If the end of the pot shaft is split; carefully press it together with a pair of needle-nosed pliers until the knob fits on snuggly.
That's the easiest & probably best way to do it, but he said he doesn't want to do it that way.
There are two issues.

One is the inch/metric pattern.  Warmoth doesn't quite have the knob/pot compatibility ( or at least they didn't).

The other is solid vs spline shaft.  You can't put a splined knob on a solid shaft, nor is it advised to put a solid shaft knob on a splined shaft pot - UNLESS you use the little adapters available from www.guitarelectronics.com  Those are a tube that goes over the splined shaft, and fits the solid shaft knob perfectly. 
Hey all ….. thanks very much for your input.  :icon_thumright:

Only meant I don't like pinching the pots, as heard bad stories of them braking. I have done once thou.

Warmoth CTS pots don't seem to fit the knobs from their that I've tried & tried ones from 'Guitar Parts Resources' & 'Stew Mac'
I must be getting the wrong inch / metric ….  Shall look more carefully  :doh:

I don't really like the ones with screws in them, but might have to resort to those as another option.

Much appreciated on the measurements …… thanks for the heads up !!

Cheers Updown  :blob7:
What you wanna do is get water based lubricant and just ease it all over. Works for me  :hello2:  :icon_jokercolor:
I would say that trouble with your knob should mean an appointment with your doctor.  :laughing7:
elfro89 said:
What you wanna do is get water based lubricant and just ease it all over. Works for me  :hello2:  :icon_jokercolor:
ericar said:
I would say that trouble with your knob should mean an appointment with your doctor.  :laughing7:
Doughboy said:
You stop picking up Hungarian Minors in Tremolo Bars.  :laughing8:

I should have known  :doh:  I was gunna get some 'Witty' comments on this topic tittle. Nice one guys  :occasion14:

Nothing wrong down there with me !! .... especially having a name 'Updown'

Updown  :blob7: Updown  :blob7: Updown  :blob7:
Updown said:
Hey all ….. thanks very much for your input.  :icon_thumright:

Only meant I don't like pinching the pots, as heard bad stories of them braking. I have done once thou.

Warmoth CTS pots don't seem to fit the knobs from their that I've tried & tried ones from 'Guitar Parts Resources' & 'Stew Mac'
I must be getting the wrong inch / metric ….  Shall look more carefully   :doh:

I don't really like the ones with screws in them, but might have to resort to those as another option.

Much appreciated on the measurements …… thanks for the heads up !!

Cheers Updown   :blob7:
StewMacs knobs are metric.
TBurst Std said:
Updown said:
Hey all ….. thanks very much for your input.  :icon_thumright:

Only meant I don't like pinching the pots, as heard bad stories of them braking. I have done once thou.

Warmoth CTS pots don't seem to fit the knobs from their that I've tried & tried ones from 'Guitar Parts Resources' & 'Stew Mac'
I must be getting the wrong inch / metric ….  Shall look more carefully   :doh:

I don't really like the ones with screws in them, but might have to resort to those as another option.

Much appreciated on the measurements …… thanks for the heads up !!

Cheers Updown   :blob7:
StewMacs knobs are metric.
And Floppy  :blob7: