
tribute guitar - First build

So I'm getting more comfortable doing the inlay and I'm finishing up the second test. Should have a pic later tonight/tomorrow.

Now I have a couple questions I hope somebody can help me out with.

1. What glue should I be using?
I'm currently using plain old Elmers wood glue. I think I would like something that drys more clear. Should I use titebond, which one? They have like 8 different wood glues.

2. Which grain filler?
Since I'm using different types of wood I thought I should use clear grain filler as I will not be able to color match all the woods.
I found these online, does anyone have any experience with them and/or suggestions for something else?

Well, time to start cutting out the fish for the first real detailed inlay test.

I used Gorilla glue, it dries clear. Also super glue works too.. For grain filler I use Color Tone from StewMac..
Thanks Dangerous, I'll give the gorilla glue a try.

It doesn't appear that Stew Mac sells colortone grain filler (alteast I can't find it). all the other filler I find o their site is colored to match wood. So I'm still looking for a clear grain filler.

Well I'm stuck at work at 2AM waiting on server updates so I thought I'd send an update.

Although I wish I had a more recent picture, this is from about 4 weeks ago, here's an Idea how its going.


I have more completed and mybe will be able to get another pic up soon as I have the side stripe in and the detail work in the fins done. I currently working on the details in the head. One thing I can say is that this is going to take a while, I'm sure as I get better at it I'll go a bit faster but I'm probably looking at about 40 hours for the fish.
A couple things. One, I really am sorry to hear about your dad.

And I would go for a washed blue dye over qm, it gives a watery effect.