
Tremolo Cover Recess


Junior Member
Just a simple way to make the guitar look more elegant and finished would be to recess the tremolo cover plate (similar to the control cavity).  I understand that other manufactures may not do it, but this woould make a much nicer finished product.
I concur ....
:icon_scratch: But I don't think there's enough room to screw the cover down, into a recess without it hitting the Trem Claw etc.
Japanese Fenders from the mid 80s have this and there are no issues with the claw or block hitting the cover.
It may take a slight "design" change to the cavity and claw location but that would be an easy adjustment when cutting the cavity (change to the depth). The factory could do it in seconds.  However, if there is no interference, then it's that much easier.  I'm resisting putting my cover on but will do it eventualy. Just dissappointed that it won't look as "High Quality Finished" as if it was recessed.
Agreed, it would be cool. 

My Ibanez Jem and Washburn N4 are both recessed, but the covers themselves are long since gone.    :-)

I actually bought a trem cover for my Warmoth, but to this day, have never put it on.  Can't bring myself to drill more holes than necessary in my baby. :-)
I thought it was some sort of trademark issue or such?

Seeing a recessed control cavity cover and non-recessed trem cavity cover on the same guitar is something that has always really irritated me. There is no logical sense to it. I would assume that the only reason trem covers were not recessed from the very beginning was that Leo did his Strats the more cost effective way, and everyone else went with it. :dontknow:

In any case, no cover at all looks best, and allows you the quickest access to the springs and claw when adjustment is needed.
line6man said:
In any case, no cover at all looks best,

Joey, have you not learned from the last time you played your guitar naked and hurt your foreskin so badly???
Marko said:
line6man said:
In any case, no cover at all looks best,

Joey, have you not learned from the last time you played your guitar naked and hurt your foreskin so badly???

No, I've not learned. And I'm not willing to shave down there either, even though you insist.
but you had to call 911 and a whole EMT Team had to help to get your member released out of the trem springs!!

you're such a hairy bastard! you should manscape a little bit!
Marko said:
but you had to call 911 and a whole EMT Team had to help to get your member released out of the trem springs!!

you're such a hairy bastard! you should manscape a little bit!

It was so awful, Marko!
There I was, still in my '80s wig when they arrived! They laughed at me for playing my Hello Kitty Strat! :sad1:

I won't shave until you grow out your Leland Sklar beard. If you truly care about me, you'll do it. If I die in a hair-related guitar trem spring accident, it will be on your conscience!
Oh jeez.

It's been brought up before, the recess, not Line6man's anatomy.  Recessing would/could cause clearance issues with some bridges.  My MIJ Strat has a recessed claw cavity, and when changing the bridge, it touches where it didn't before with the original.  Given the choice of recessed with cover or no cover, I choose no cover.
Needs a Turbo Deluxe Floyd said:
Oh jeez.

It's been brought up before, the recess, not Line6man's anatomy.  Recessing would/could cause clearance issues with some bridges.  My MIJ Strat has a recessed claw cavity, and when changing the bridge, it touches where it didn't before with the original.  Given the choice of recessed with cover or no cover, I choose no cover.

Yes, that seems to be the main issue with recessed trem spring cavity covers. Depending on your bridge, however, it's not a bad excuse to opt for one of those big block sustain blocks with a shallower depth, if you don't mind paying $30 or so extra, to have a recessed trem spring cavity cover. Then again, most wouldn't be up for that, plus the upcharge Warmoth would undoubtedly require for the non-standard recess.  :dontknow:
Surprise! Alternate angle:
If Warmoth recessed the trem cavity, there would be tolerances to worry about. If someone bought an aftermarket trem cover, it may not fit.