
Trem users - you actually use that thing?


Master Member
On Monday, I went to an open jam and there were like 5 strats there, including my Warmoth hardtail. All of the other strats had trem setups but not even one guy had the trem arm attached - add to that all the great players who don't even put the arm in on a strat - seriously what is the point of tremolos if no one ever wanks on the thing?
I barely use it. I think I use it on 1 maybe 2 songs. Its there for subtle effects most of the time. Play a chord, tap the bridge a tiny bit, when I want something like that, I don't even attach the bar. Its mainly there for versatility if I want to cover a song or something.
Superlizard said:
Tone.  The whole chunk o' wood missing + trem springs do affect things.

definitely true. I think part of the classic thin/bright strat sound is the trem.

I do agree though. it's kinda pointless for 90% of people who own strats. Personally I've only ever had one guitar with a trem and I never used it constructively. To me, it's like an effect pedal that you use on one, maybe two songs in your entire career.
I only ever use it for a little vibrato on a minor chord, surf style. I've never been into dive bombs and all that stuff. Sometimes I'll do the "detune the low E" move, and that's flashier than a trem anyway.  :laughing7: Plus, maybe it's just that I just don't know how to properly set up a trem, but the two that I own are tempermental, so I've never really been a trem abuser. But I do think that having it in there does affect the tone. Sort of like a natural reverb tank.

EDIT: Post 666 baby! RAWK!  :headbang:
I wish my strat was a hardtail - I even went so far as to install a tremol-no on mine.  I console myself with the theory that a big honkin' metal tremolo block provides some tone related benefit that I can't personally discern but am convinced is there.
CrackedPepper said:
I wish my strat was a hardtail - I even went so fara as to install a tremol-no on mine.  I console myself with the theory that a big honkin' metal tremolo block provides some tone related benefit that I can't personally discern but am convinced is there.

Sorry to inform you, but in order for the trem block to have any effect on tone, it must be surrounded by 100% vintage air. Luckily, I just happen to have a few jars of the stuff. PM me if you're interested.  :laughing7:
some guitarists base their whole career on it!


Honestly, as I've stated before, I absolutely don't understand the lure of a hardtail guitar AT ALL!, but that's for another thread.

I can't live without the tremolo on my guitar.
I've tried blocking it a few times, but I can never keep it that way for more than a few days. I have to have the tremolo!

One of the reasons I don't understand hardtail Strats is that the tremolo is a part of the tone.
I think I read somewhere that (Clapton?? Can't remember who.) blocks his trems, but leaves the springs in, because it's part of the Strat tone.

Another reason to have a trem, but not use it is so that you CAN use it when you need to, even if you usually don't.
Which is another reason why I don't get you hardtail players. Why not block the trem and silence the springs instead, that way you can have the tremolo if you need it, but don't have to have it all the time.
You're only a setup away from having, or not having a trem on the guitar.
Mine has a trem because I liked the finish (showcase body) and it was already routed for one. Had it been set up for a hardtail, I would have still bought it. And no, I don't have the arm installed cuz I wouldn't ever use it anyway.

line6man said:
Honestly, as I've stated before, I absolutely don't understand the lure of a hardtail guitar AT ALL!, but that's for another thread.

Another reason to have a trem, but not use it is so that you CAN use it when you need to, even if you usually don't.

I have to agree.. I play my Wilky (and floyd) equipped guitars the most, because I just miss 'something' when I play my hard tails.
I don't agree that it affects tone or sustain a whole lot.. actually, it probably affects tone, but it doesn't make the tone less fat.
Jeff Beck owns his trem...
Superlizard said:
Oh yeah... and it's not a trem, it's a talent bar.

Just depress or pull up to add talent.

Like on Guitar Hero right :toothy10:
I was playing with a roommate last night.. I pulled out My W strat with a wilki, and my W tele.

My style is strange I guess.. I don't know. I use the bar when I play the strat, and I love it, but I always end up on the tele, or any tele. I don't know why.. I think it has to do with the bridge, and the way I'll rest on it. I'm going to have to pay attention next time I play.  :icon_scratch:
So, to summarize:

1. Jeff Beck can play guitar really well!

2. A large hunk of nonfunctional, heavy gear in the middle of your guitar crucially improves the tone. (?)

3. Line6man is the only person on the forum who has ever actually used his trem.

Trem bars are so that us Strat players can be discouraged when we try to play Jeff Beck songs  :laughing7:

But seriously I almost never use mine, and my bridge is clamped down, so I can't pull up with it anyways.
tfarny said:
So, to summarize:

1. Jeff Beck can play guitar really well!

2. A large hunk of nonfunctional, heavy gear in the middle of your guitar crucially improves the tone. (?)

3. Line6man is the only person on the forum who has ever actually used his trem.


No Marko does too
Id really like to see two identical strats...one with a vint trem and one hard tail in a blindfold test to see if anybody could tell the diff...have to be sames woods and pickups/electronics.

I dont use the trem on my strat much and dont miss one on my Warmoth.
