
Too Good To Be True?

If you're gonna try to market it as a Gibson, why even bother with the halfhearted avoidance techniques (Gibsun). I mean if you're risking legal action and relying on China's refusal to enforce IP, why not go whole hog and try to get maybe $800 for em? I mean there's definitely precedent (Gucci, Rolex..)
swarfrat said:
...why not go whole hog...

I know, I thought that was odd too. Why "Gibsun" when you've already gone this far? It's hard to understand their motivation for feigning a legal dissimilarity at this point.
nexrex said:
Don't give in to temptation. A buddy of mine actually brought an LP custom on ebay for about $400 AUD. I had a look at it when it arrived and while it kinda looked right the weight was all wrong. My guess is that these are made out of a cheaper wood(may not have even been mahogany, and wasn't dried properly). Closer inspection showed that the edge biding was too thick, the neck was bowed like a snake(no amount of adjusting by his guitar tech could get it straight), and the pickups sounded like complete garbage. Serial number on these are also hard to verify, as they are getting pretty good at receycling the gibson ones. Also the bridge and stop bar were cheap quality knockoffs.

After alot of struggle he was able to freeze the sellers paypal account, and finally got the guy to to refund him his money, but he unfortunately ended up out of pocket $100 for shipping.

Haha don't worry I'm not gonna buy anything from them anytime soon :P
JaySwear said:
anyway, if you're really in need of an LP and on that much of a budget i'd tell you to take that money to agile guitars. never owned one, but read TONS of positive reviews

I have an Agile AL-3000 here, and I'll tell you true: If you taped over the headstock so you couldn't see the name, it would be difficult  to tell it from a Les Paul Custom. Give one of each to someone who knows those guitars well, and it's more likely they'll pick the Agile when asked which is the real Gibson. They're damn nice instruments.

It's no surprise, either. They both get their figured maple from Canada, and AAA, AAAA and AAAAA is what it is. They both have to import their ebony from Gabon or Madagascar, and are slaved to the same grading system. Gibson has to import their mahogany, while the Asians grow it domestically. Agile uses one-piece bodies on their higher-end instruments because of that, Gibson uses glue-ups. They both import their electronics from the usual suspects. Nobody here makes caps, pots, jacks, etc. - they're all from S.E. Asia somewhere, usually Taiwan, Singapore or Malaysia. They both use the same hardware, manufactured the same way in the same plants. A die-cast TOM and tailpiece is what it is. Nickel-Silver frets are Nickel-Silver frets, the size is what it is - Gibson supposedly Pleks their necks while Agile doesn't, but fret dressings are cheap, if they're even necessary. The one I have showed up very nearly perfect. All that's left is the finish, and I defy anyone to show me where the finish on a "real" Les Paul is better than the one on my AL-3000.

I've been dinking around with guitars since I was a kid 40 years ago, and I'm very familiar with not just Gibson, but many manufacturer's guitars. These Agiles are the real deal. The reason they get so much bad press is the same reason Bugera does: They're selling their wares on a cost-plus basis rather than by value. If it costs them $200 to make it, they mark it up 50% to the wholesaler, who marks it up 50% to the street, ending up round $400 (I'm just making numbers up, but that's probably not too far off). You can bet your left nut that if Agile was asking $3,500 for this model, as opposed to the $5,500 Gibson wants for theirs, nobody would be saying a word. But, they're selling them for $389. A whole order of magnitude lower. To say that's a monkey wrench in the traditional musical instrument market with their massive margins would be the biggest understatement since America's involvement in Vietnam was referred to as a "police action".

It's somehow acceptable for Gibson et al to buy hardware from overseas almost by the pound and sell it for outrageous 1000%+ markups, but if an overseas company uses those same parts doesn't follow America's abusive pricing policies, it's wrong. Same with the rest of the materials they use. It's also ok for Gibson to use CNC machines to cookie-cut bodies and necks all day long, but if somebody else does it, they're "cheaping out".

It's just nuts.

Anyway, my Agile's for sale if anyone's interested. Turns out I really just don't like Les Pauls <grin>
That's fine. I'm not interested, either <grin>

For the rest of you, you only need to say something if you are interested. Looks like this...




The curly maple looks a lot better in real life. The lighting wasn't good for that shot.

It also comes with a premium case...



For $350 +shipping.
Think we better get this back on topic before Wyliee moves it to the For Sale section :icon_biggrin:

Sometimes I wonder why America's economy is in such bad shape. Then I remember there are people like Cagey who think it's a good idea to buy an unlicensed Chinese knockoff because it looks purty. Weren't you the same guy giving everyone crap about Fender decals? (Marko's signature), buddy.

Nice Nissan by the way, I'm sure Motown looks great crumbling through its tinted windows.
hey buddy lets relax alright?
hes not forcing anything on you so you dont have to read his posts. youre giving him crap for sharing what he thought was useful information, and he in no way bad-mouthed you.
so why dont you just sit back, have a drink, and let people live their lives  :icon_thumright:
I never gave anyone any grief about using Fender's logos. Fender would be the ones to do that, if anyone. I was just curious what people were actually using, if anything.

And the Nissan isn't mine, it's my roommate's. I'd have bought a Honda product. Although, the Nissan is wicked fun to drive <grin>
With the logo thing, I don't think Cagey ever came down as for or against, just stated what copyright and trademarks were.

And for buying American, like Cagey said they (Gibson) is already selling you a guitar with marked up foreign made hardware.  It's gets really confusing when some Fords are made in Korea and some Toyotas, Hondas, Volkswagens, and Kias are made in the USA.  What the hell does "buy American" even mean anymore?