
Thread of the year!!! Wood workers beware!!

Death by Uberschall

Master Member

Watch video first, then go here, http://www.bcsportbikes.com/forum/showthread.php/146566-Build-to-Fail-Fail-to-Build.-What-is-this-I-don-t-even..... and all will be explained.

As somebody on that forum said, this may be the greatest thread in internet history. We'll tell our grandchildren about this one. I should frame a screenshot to prove I was there.
Not that I'm a fan of folks who do such things generally, but it seems the kindest thing to do would be to call the building code enforcers just to keep this guy from accidentally killing himself.  I looked at the photo where he apparently got started on shingling the roof and thought to myself - why is this guy still even alive after trying that?

But otherwise truly an epic of the point-and-laugh genre.  I, of course, have never ever ever come up with a dangerous jury-rig.  Ever.  Heh.
Thing is, there really aren't any enforcers. There are inspectors, but they don't judge until you're done. Waste of time, otherwise. No matter what they'd say, you'd say "I know, I'm getting to it! I'm not done yet! Get out of here!"

A lot of what would appear to be questionable carpentry/construction practices are temporary moves. Braces, shims, sheathing, etc. are all used to get things into place and hold them while you do something else meant to be proper and permanent. Interim moves, if you will. An enforcer would go nuts on all that stuff. So, they don't bother. Inspectors let you have all the fun you want, then come in when you're done and tell you to tear it all down or you're gonna get fined 80 bajillion dollars a day for maintaining an attractive nuisance or public endangerment or something.

Not that that's what's happening here. This guy is clearly bonked in the head and way out of his depth. If you didn't know any better, you'd swear it was a comedy routine.