
Thinking about re-tubing with JJ's, anyone like or dislike their EL34's?


Senior Member
It's time to re-tube my Mesa Stiletto Deuce head (bought it used recently and it needs new tubes all around).
It's got the stock Mesa tubes in it, and they aint sounding so good. Anyone use the JJ EL34's?
I'll probably end up getting this from analogtubes.com:

JJ Stiletto Deuce set:
"A high gain tube set for the Mesa Boogie Stiletto Deuce amp with JJ E34L tubes, high gain JJ ECC83S tubes and JJ GZ34 rectifier tubes. One of the best new upgrade and replacement tubes sets kits for the Mesa Boogie Stiletto Deuce amp. All tubes in matching sets. Mesa Boogie Stiletto Deuce amp high gain tube set #1."

4 x JJ E34L power tubes
4 x JJ ECC83S high gain tubes - V1-V4
1 x JJ ECC83s custom balanced phase inverter tube - V5
2 x JJ 5U4GB rectifier tubes

Regarding JJ tubes: I've used many many sets - well over 100 tubes. They are my favorite.

Regarding the tube set above: of you are happy with the basic sound of the amp I would not change the preamp or rectifier tubes.  These tubes do not age like power tubes and will last the life of the amp.
Mayfly said:
Regarding JJ tubes: I've used many many sets - well over 100 tubes. They are my favorite.

Regarding the tube set above: of you are happy with the basic sound of the amp I would not change the preamp or rectifier tubes.  These tubes do not age like power tubes and will last the life of the amp.

thanks for the heads up with the rectifier & preamp tubes, I do like the tone of the amp currently, it just seems to have lost it's "bite" (I've had the amp for about 6 months, got it used, still has plenty of volume, but the tone is just sounding tired to my ears :)

what are the tonal characteristics of JJ's preamp tubes? (I've never used em) I've only used EHX, Sovtek, and Mesa tubes in my other amps
weeeell, I guess the main thing about JJs are they are clear, consistent, and don't have a lot of noise.  As far as wine corksniffery tonal aspects, they have some nice sounding harmonics, aren't terribly harsh, and won't bite your head off.

that's to my ears anyway.  YMMV.  And what do I know - I'm just some guy on the internet  :headbang:
I've never used JJ tubes, but I've heard of reliability problems with their power tubes, and problems with preamp tubes being microphonic.
I used to have a little Bugera V5 whose preamp tube went microphonic early in life, so I replaced it with a JJ. It also went microphonic early in life. Replaced that with another JJ, and it was fine up to the point I lost track of it (sold the amp).

There aren't very many manufacturers of tubes - very few, in fact. I think there are one or two in the former Soviet Union, and one in China. So, most of the tubes you buy are all coming out of the same factories. They're just private-labelled to those who think they have better sales people than their competition. So, like the story above, I'm pretty sure most of what you hear about tubes is anecdotal. Pick any brand, and you'll hear good/bad/ugly stories about tone/longevity/etc.
China, Russia, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia are the 4 places in the world that tubes are made.

Edit: The JJs are made in Czechoslovakia. They took over the Tesla factory in 1994 (they are not the same as the former Tesla tubes). I tend to favor Chinese preamp tubes, and Russian power tubes.
Well to be picky, Chechoslovakia doesn't exist :)
It's either the Chech Republic or Slovakia, I think it's the latter.
Street Avenger said:
China, Russia, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia are the 4 places in the world that tubes are made.

Edit: The JJs are made in Czechoslovakia. They took over the Tesla factory in 1994 (they are not the same as the former Tesla tubes). I tend to favor Chinese preamp tubes, and Russian power tubes.

Kinda scary when you think about it. Those aren't exactly robust economies or reliable sources, or at least that's what we're led to believe. Makes you want an Axe FX, since that's supposed to be the ultimate replacement for tubes, not to mention super-high quality effects.
I'm visiting family in the Czech Republic now. Although the economy is not like America's, infrastructure here is growing like weeds. I wouldn't expect us to have to worry about at least the Czech Republic dropping off the face of the earth.

Yugoslavia doesn't exist either anymore.  :redflag:
Not having an economy like America might be a Good Thing these days.

And that's all I'm going to say about that.
Cagey said:
Not having an economy like America might be a Good Thing these days.

And that's all I'm going to say about that.

Occupy Europe hasn't happened since the 40s.  :icon_jokercolor:

My guitar player's AC-30 crapped out on him.  Surprise, surprise.  He JJ'd pre and power.  He says it sounds warmer.  To me it lost some brightness.  Then again, had I not known it was retubed, I may have never noticed.
Needs a Turbo Deluxe Floyd said:
My guitar player's AC-30 crapped out on him.  Surprise, surprise.  He JJ'd pre and power.  He says it sounds warmer.  To me it lost some brightness.  Then again, had I not known it was retubed, I may have never noticed.

You say that as though it was expected. I was under the impression VOX amps were sorta high-end, as far as production amps go. I have no experience with them, so I can't say. But, it's an old-school design, so I'd think all the bugs had been worked out.
The new Vox Custom Classic series with a variety of AC amps are all made in China and while they've certainly cut some corners they have been well recieved. My major beef with my AC15C1 is the fact that it's made from MDF :tard: I need to get a hand trolley for it pretty soon: with the amp cover I ordered it weighs over 32kg!

But yeah, un-fancy construction and un-fancy valves. Looking forward to JJ-ing and Neodym-ing it when budget allows.
I run JJ E34Ls and an ECC803s in V4 position for a great open clean channel on my Uberschall. I run a Tung-Sol RI in V1 and Chinese 9th Gen in V2 & V3 for the high gain stuff. They sound great to me.
kboman said:
The new Vox Custom Classic series with a variety of AC amps are all made in China and while they've certainly cut some corners they have been well recieved. My major beef with my AC15C1 is the fact that it's made from MDF :tard: I need to get a hand trolley for it pretty soon: with the amp cover I ordered it weighs over 32kg!

But yeah, un-fancy construction and un-fancy valves. Looking forward to JJ-ing and Neodym-ing it when budget allows.

Are neodymium speakers not the best idea ever? I can't wait to swap my nasty Vintage 30 out for something lighter (that sounds better).
Justinginn said:
kboman said:
The new Vox Custom Classic series with a variety of AC amps are all made in China and while they've certainly cut some corners they have been well recieved. My major beef with my AC15C1 is the fact that it's made from MDF :tard: I need to get a hand trolley for it pretty soon: with the amp cover I ordered it weighs over 32kg!

But yeah, un-fancy construction and un-fancy valves. Looking forward to JJ-ing and Neodym-ing it when budget allows.

Are neodymium speakers not the best idea ever? I can't wait to swap my nasty Vintage 30 out for something lighter (that sounds better).

I'm just looking for any weight reduction I can get to be honest. I can work with most tones. I do like the idea of the amp being louder with a Neo speaker since our new drummer is much louder than the last one!
I know Neos are smaller/lighter/stronger.  I've never heard of them necessarily being louder.  I do know in the bass world frequency response is virtually identical with a slight edge going to the older ceramic models, though that could be construction and not composition related.  There's rumors the Neos run hotter.  I have a gut feeling 20 years from now, we may look ay the Neo craze as just that. Remember when?