
There is a warmoth on ebay... is this for real?

Kyler (JamesL) said:
When can you ever trust anyone who types in ALL CAPS, ALL THE TIME?

Maybe he needs a new keyboard and is selling his guitars to get one... or several hundred...
I wonder if it is the same guy that has the custom color all black '59 Fender for millions that doesn't need the cash.  Normally eBay takes care of these people rather quickly, it is in their interest to axe them.  Still, it is some of the best creative writing out there since the Weekly World News is gone.

Weekly World News is GONE???  :sad:  Man, I used to love that paper.  My favorite was the story about the lady who got eaten by her mink stole.
"Vegan Vampire Attacks Tree," was my favorite after the long running saga of Batboy.  Several of the "News" papers went out of business a while ago because of the failing of the newspaper industry, and they lost several of the people responsible for the story ideas.  They might still have an online presence but the newsprint one is all but gone, it is an insert in another tabloid.


A sad day for creative writing.  There are rumors of it's return, but I'll believe it when they tell me to believe it, err, when I see it.

EDIT: I looked up the exact title.  While I had a hard time believing it could be any funnier, it was.
Believe it or not, I used to have a subscription to WWN. I "won" it for filling out some survey, but prior to that I bought 'em regularly at the supermarket. They were a lot of fun to read - really wacky, creative stuff. I was sad to hear they had gone under.

My favourite headline: "Bigfoot Keeps Lumberjack as Love Slave."  :laughing7:
Remember the story about the Turkey that save thanksgiving, I think the story went that the turkey saw the house on fire, brokeout of it's pen and went and woke everyone up, so they did not eat it the next week at thanksgiving

I used to live that mag, we would get together, drink to much, and pull it out laughing till we were rolling on the ground. We even had a party every summer where we would bring our favorite copies and elect the tabloid story of the year, Batboy rated real high up there
Orpheo said:
the top and back and neck look nice, but: its not a warmoth

first of all, the control cavity has the wrong shape, and the screwholes of the cavity are in the wrong spot.

the 'turtle burn' in the neckpocket is wrong! its not burned here, its just an inkstamp of some kind.

My W parts of the same vintage also have ink stamps.

AprioriMark said:
My W parts of the same vintage also have ink stamps.

You should put them on eBay. Story is, the ink used for those stamps was made from the preserved virgin blood of 14th century Italian princesses, while the stamps themselves were made from the gums of sacred Brahmin bulls who lived long enough to actually lose their teeth. Now how much would you pay?

Wait! Don't answer! Because there's more! The wood they made those bodies from was resurrected from the bottom of the Nile river in ancient Egypt, where it lay preserved for thousands of years. It's said that Moses floated over those old felled logs, originally used as barriers during border wars, and they're now not only infested with tone worms, but the secret knowledge base only saints and martyrs are privy to.

Of course, they're marinated in millions of gallons of Egyptian piss, blood and other unmentionable ejecta, too, but never mind that. Wait.. did I say that out loud?