
There is a warmoth on ebay... is this for real?


Hero Member

price seems a bit steep if you ask me...  :icon_scratch:
i like the quote that it was set up for some time but never played. what the hell does that mean? like the tech didnt doodle around on it at all? plus if this is supposed to be some prototype production warmoth then where is all the hardware?di warmoth only half build the #0001 "complete high end guitar?" i mean this doesnt look very complete. and i haven't heard of warmoth having plans to build complete guitars, maybe they did way back in '98 like the neck pocket would have you believe but this is not a complete guitar so either it was gutted leaving little value or warmoth dropped the idea and this was sold as parts like all the rest making it only unique because it has a serial number. im not sure if warmoth will or wont have collector value but it seems like the seller wants people to believe this will have but i see little reason for that.

oh well maybe wylee or gregg will comment on this.
Everything he's selling is unbuilt parts? I guess when you say "The story is...." it's a qualifier, meaning it's not YOUR story, you just heard it at the bus stop or something. At least, that's the story....
so he drew "#0001" in the neck pocket and gets to charge even more for his nice parts? people are idiots. if ever i sell my tele deluxe you can bet your ass it'll have "#0002" in the neck pocket :icon_biggrin:
Just to clear up any questions, this guy is out right lying. Warmoth has never sold completed LP Style guitars, and has never numbered or dated the neck pockets at any time in the past. The only number you will find in a neck pocket is a production number, and it has no connection to any date or seriel number.

I saw the listing last night, almost started a thread on it myself. If you don't know anything about Warmoth, it would sound very convincing. Not that I expect it to sell for what he's wanting.
The story/serial number thing are bullshit, but if you ordered that neck and body from the Warmoth website today, the cost would be about $1568 with those woods/finishes/customization, that's probably where he came up with the pricing...
I very much doubt he'll get what he's asking for it.  My LP is figured maple and "rare" korina, and it cost me $1500 TOTAL with the pickups, hardware and everything, and mine has body and neck binding.  But that is a nice piece of quilt on the top.  
The old saying about "a sucker being born every minute" only got popular because it's true. Some dingbat who doesn't know any better will see that and either can't or won't or doesn't know to do the research to find out what he's looking at, and will pony up the dough. You see it happen on eBay all the time. People will pay more for used things than they could buy them for new because they don't know what they're worth or what they should cost.
Well, he did say it was a story. So I guess anything he wants to say after that is fair game.
the way i see it, if your gonna rip someone off then at least do it properly and charge a rediculas amount. $2500  :icon_tongue:
the top and back and neck look nice, but: its not a warmoth

first of all, the control cavity has the wrong shape, and the screwholes of the cavity are in the wrong spot.

the 'turtle burn' in the neckpocket is wrong! its not burned here, its just an inkstamp of some kind.
I noticed those things, too. But, if it really is a very early part, I can imagine things may have changed since then. After all, it's been 30 years+. Still, I can't imagine serial number 1 is anywhere but in Ken Warmoth's hands, assuming it still exists. Early prototypes and production parts can be embarrassing, and with woodworkers, are often turned into fuel, shims, cleats, paint stir sticks, etc. Plus, since when did Warmoth ever put serial numbers on things? There's a shop order number associated with a part, but that's just on a little sticker that generally gets removed at assembly. So, I'm calling "shenanigans".