I've decided the Warmoth itch is a yearly occurence. I'm definitely feeling it again. Strongly considering selling my Warmoth Telecaster Deluxe to fund a new project. I love that guitar, but for the heavier stuff I'm playing I prefer my Warmoth Tele with single coils (strangely).
So I'm thinking about offing the Deluxe and starting a new project that would cover the ground neither does at this moment.
Comments? Suggestions? Feed my GAS?
How often does the REAL Warmoth itch hit you? I don't mean a new idea (I have those daily), but a real urge to start something new.
PS: Some of you might remember I had a NGD thread with a US PRS CE22. Ended up returning it to Guitar Center. Was just too expensive for a production guitar for me! What can I say? I love me some Warmoth.
So I'm thinking about offing the Deluxe and starting a new project that would cover the ground neither does at this moment.
Comments? Suggestions? Feed my GAS?
How often does the REAL Warmoth itch hit you? I don't mean a new idea (I have those daily), but a real urge to start something new.
PS: Some of you might remember I had a NGD thread with a US PRS CE22. Ended up returning it to Guitar Center. Was just too expensive for a production guitar for me! What can I say? I love me some Warmoth.