
The Warmoth Itch


Hero Member
I've decided the Warmoth itch is a yearly occurence. I'm definitely feeling it again. Strongly considering selling my Warmoth Telecaster Deluxe to fund a new project. I love that guitar, but for the heavier stuff I'm playing I prefer my Warmoth Tele with single coils (strangely).

So I'm thinking about offing the Deluxe and starting a new project that would cover the ground neither does at this moment.

Comments? Suggestions? Feed my GAS?

How often does the REAL Warmoth itch hit you? I don't mean a new idea (I have those daily), but a real urge to start something new.

PS: Some of you might remember I had a NGD thread with a US PRS CE22. Ended up returning it to Guitar Center. Was just too expensive for a production guitar for me! What can I say? I love me some Warmoth.
I don't want to talk you out of a new guitar, but if you're happy with your single coil tele for heavy stuff, would a pickup swap potentially give you the ballsier sound you're after?  What electronics do you currently have in the Deluxe?
A yearly occurrence? No. More like quarterly for me, if we're talking serious gotta-scratch-it-now-or-I'll-die urge.

Selling Warmoths is a losing proposition, and there's often little reason to do so other than painful financial need. I don't think I've ever heard of somebody not being highly pleased with their results.

You could do what I do: don't wait for the ability to have an entire meal. Buy a body when something catches your eye, a pickup or two when you've got a couple extra bucks laying around, some tuners or a bridge when somebody's parting something out, etc. Takes a few months or more to build that way, but you don't impact the budget so hard that you suffer for your addiction, and you always have something to look forward to. Plus, you don't have to put up one of your hard-won babies for adoption.

Of course, that requires a bit of patience but if you already have a guitar or two you love, it's a lot easier to wait. Again, no suffering.
I recently met a guy with forty-one guitars - and I saw only three of them: Two top-end taylors and a Fender American Deluxe strat, but he had a bunch of Gibsons etc.

He just played his first-ever gig - is  the next guitar going to be the thing that really helps you to be a better player / sound great? Or would a grand worth of private lessons be better? Maybe you can scratch the itch with a pickup swap or a new pedal?

Note: I'm only able to say this because I have a warmoth that is less than one month old plus a custom lap steel less than three months old.

I get the itch once a day.... when I walk in the door.....

Seriously though, we have one customer that orders about once a week.  I would love to see the collection he has amassed over the years.  :o :o
Well, the thing is I've been looking into hollow and semi-hollow bodies as a good match to my Telecaster. However, I literally haven't played the Telecaster Deluxe for probably 3 or 4 months. With my orange Telecaster here, the blue Deluxe is really just gathering dust.

I just feel like instead of having 2 electrics and playing 1 of them, if I were to put together another guitar that suits my needs a little bit better then I might end up with 2 guitars that are both played frequently.

Also, since I put the Telecaster Deluxe together (a couple years ago) my tastes have really changed. I built it to look good and sound heavy, but I've found for heavier stuff I really love my Rio Grande Dirty Harry pickup set. They work great for just about everything honestly. And I'm really moving more into playing blues and classic rock now.

Anyway I guess my issue is; do I buy a $500-600 guitar to satisfy my urge and get the sound I'm looking for? Or do I get rid of the stuff I'm not using, spend about twice that, and get a guitar I know I'll keep for a while? Tough call. That poor Deluxe never comes out of it's case though :icon_biggrin:

Wyliee said:
I get the itch once a day.... when I walk in the door.....

Seriously though, we have one customer that orders about once a week.  I would love to see the collection he has amassed over the years.  :o :o

One day! When I hit the lottery...

My girlfriend said the other day, "I really want to move to Washington State one day."
Me: "Damn, I really should get myself into luthiery school then!"

Warmoth shop, here I come?
Well, if you're not playing the thing, don't anticipate ever doing so and have no emotional attachment, then get rid of it. It's not going to increase in value - these days, nice guitars are fungible. So, you'll just be eating up valuable storage space holding on to the thing. Part it out, and use the proceeds accordingly.
Don't sell it.  Sell other stuff you have laying around, but not a guitar you created (with help from Warmoth).  Especially if a year or two from now, you decide you want to go back to the Deluxe sound. 

The holidays are coming up though, maybe you'll get some parts from a nice family member?  I know that has happened to me on a few occasions. 

Or maybe you can trade for another Warmoth from someone on the forum in the same predicament who has what you're looking for?  :dontknow:  Pickup swap ain't a bad idea though.  Or maybe buy a new pedal that works well with that guitar. 
One cheaper way I deal with GAS is building pedals - pedal kits are much cheaper, and while the project time is usually shorter than for a guitar, it's still pretty fun to play around with once you're done. Especially if you do something like a Tap Tempo Trem with multiple waveforms, or the Echo Base Delay with modulation, you can play around with it for a long time.  And for the cost of even a cheap Warmoth guitar, you could put together 10 or more pedals, depending on what they are.
Heres what I do with extra guitars that are layen arround not getting used, I loan em to some co workers 9 year old kids to learn on, I'm a firm believer that theres no such thing as an ENTRY level guitar, to me that means a peice o crap, then buy something nice, bullcrap.  Many a crappy guitar has turned away a potential player rather than provide a stepping stone to something good.

And by the way, been back to work for a year now after 1 1/2 years offwork, I'm getting a serious W bug too, I'm afraid its gonna be a 2-3 W bug
Just take it apart, put it back in the box. Keep 3 bodies and 4 necks in boxes. Then, when you get the itch, grab a neck and a body and some parts and make your new guitar! Until you get tired of it, then repeat.

As for the guy that orders once a week, you sure his name isn't  Q. C. Spector or Ken W or something cryptic like that?
I've been itching for a while now, but I need to pay off the subs I just bought for my band, and then we need a new mixing console, so it's just gonna have to wait a bit longer.
For some reason when you said "the subs I just bought for my band", I thought "five dollar foot looonngg". 
JaySwear said:
How often does the REAL Warmoth itch hit you? I don't mean a new idea (I have those daily), but a real urge to start something new.
Every time I get a RSS feed  :laughing7:

I've finished buying for this year thou ..... 8 bodies (1 still getting made at the toy factory) + 10 necks  :icon_biggrin:
Hey, I had the itch bad. Some canary telecaster therapy soothed that. I have the neck so far. Body will be coming in a few weeks. Excited, as I have never owned a telecaster in the traditional sense.
Looking back over my life, if there is one thing I could do differently, it would be to never have sold any of the guitars I have parted with along the way.  Each one haunts me to this day.
JaySwear said:
...Strongly considering selling my Warmoth Telecaster Deluxe to fund a new project. I love that guitar, but for the heavier stuff I'm playing I prefer my Warmoth Tele with single coils (strangely).

So I'm thinking about offing the Deluxe and starting a new project that would cover the ground neither does at this moment.

Comments? Suggestions? Feed my GAS?

I'm guessing your Warmoth Telecaster Deluxe has a pickguard. If you love it a new pickguard with different type of pickups/pots/knobs will change the guitar sound & looks. If you like single coils try P90's & TV Jones pickups. They are both versatile pickups and you can play most types of music.
The P90's are well known for great clean sound (check Gilmours Wall solo) but I was surpised how good clean sound has the TVJ Classic+ I put in my Thinline. Usually I don't play clean with bridge pickups but TVJ has surprised me. It's tighter and cleaner than normal HB's and it has power even for classic metal!

On the other hand GAS is dangerous and can get expensive... If you can't handle it no matter what people suggest you you 're gonna sell it and try something else. I know Warmoths value suck on the used market so I decided years ago every guitar I make it's a keeper. The one I didn't like so much (my Thinline) I changed wiring & pickup and now it's as great as the others.
hannaugh said:
For some reason when you said "the subs I just bought for my band", I thought "five dollar foot looonngg".

LOL!!!.  No, these are 18-inch.......in diameter, and a lot more than 5 bucks.  :laughing11: