
The Ultimate Van Halen Poll

Was Van Halen better with David Lee Roth or Sammy Hagar?

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Hero Member
Lets not argue like on every other poll with a similar content  :laughing7:

I personally think David Lee Roth was a much better performer, and Van Halen were much more of a "must see live" kinda thing. However i think when Sammy Hagar entered they began to really write some serious music you know? but the shows didnt seem anywhere near as exciting. whats your thoughts?
this is really hard because Right Now is my favorite VH song... closely followed by Jump. but roth is still the guy i think of when i think of van halen. plus Yankee Rose was awesome too, so he gets my vote
JaySwear said:
but roth is still the guy i think of when i think of van halen. plus Yankee Rose was awesome too

I totally agree, you cant think of van halen and not think of roth. but im also glad he departed from van halen cause some of the songs in his solo career were awesome. Just like paradise is a classic in my book.

This is a tough question,  I like both DLR and sammy, they both brought a diferent vibe to VanHalen, David was, well David, he thought the band revolved arround him, and with him they made some great albums.

Sammy also made some great music with VanHalen, but Sammy was well established before he joined Eddie. Sammy is almost at a Paul Rogers Level.  When Sammy was with VanHalen, he truely was half the tallent of that band, DLR was not, David was a flamboyant frontman, who everyone loved of course, But people went to VanHalen concerts to see Eddie, sure they wanted to see DLR too but Eddie was the Force behind VH

I think DLR's solo carreer was great, but he ran outta guitar players
Alfang said:
This is a tough question,  I like both DLR and sammy, they both brought a diferent vibe to VanHalen, David was, well David, he thought the band revolved arround him, and with him they made some great albums.

Sammy also made some great music with VanHalen, but Sammy was well established before he joined Eddie. Sammy is almost at a Paul Rogers Level.  When Sammy was with VanHalen, he truely was half the tallent of that band, DLR was not, David was a flamboyant frontman, who everyone loved of course, But people went to VanHalen concerts to see Eddie, sure they wanted to see DLR too but Eddie was the Force behind VH

I think DLR's solo carreer was great, but he ran outta guitar players

i agree with you man, i've read alot of stuff around the time daves departure. Van halen as a band obviously blamed dave alot of the time, and then dave almost seemed to take it a stage further by declaring all out war. probably a publicity stunt if you ask me.

I think the egos of the band must have started to run riot. You can't be hailed as one of the most influential guitarists and not start to beleive your own crap. It only seems natural that dave who was the front man to become slightly jelous of the amount of comotion over eddie. I think the rift was eddie and dave. i feel sorry for micheal anthony he seems like such a funny guy! ahwell screw it anyway, van halen band politics of 1984 isnt something i plan wasting too much of my time over!  :laughing7:

sammy has amazing talent, hes a proper song writer and seems to really enjoy creating music and playing it live, where as dave seems to only care about getting attension more then anything else. but what do i know i guess, never met the man and probably never will. Then again he is probably my father since hes probably dipped the old sausage in half the world.

My opinion coming when I can get to a computer. Typing on an iPhone sucks.
DLR, baby!
Volkswagen vs. Audi: same car, one's just a little more polished and "high end" than the other.

I saw both versions live, DLR will go down in history as the greatest front man ever. You just could not go to an early VH show and not have fun.
Ok, my favorite era of Van Halen is the David Lee Roth era. Dave *WAS* the ultimate front man. It didn't matter if he didn't sing the entire song. Everyone just enjoyed being in his presence. Girls wanted to screw him and the guys wanted to be him. I don't think for one second that Eddie Van Halen was the driving force behind Van Halen. Him and Dave were responsible for their success. Just as many people went to see Dave as went to see Eddie. Remember, not everyone in the crowd is a musician. As for the problems within the band.....I tend to think the problems were more with Dave and Alex than with Dave and Eddie. I spent a week with Van Halen back in 1998. Granted, I don't live with the guys, but you can get a sense of people if you spend a little time around them. Eddie Van Halen, without his guitar, is a quiet little dude that is in his own little world. Don't believe for one second that Eddie is the leader of that group. Alex is in charge, no two ways about it. Alex says "jump" and Eddie asks "how high?". I picked that up straight away watching them interact with each other. So, my personal opinion is that the problems were between Dave and Alex. Not to mention Dave screwing Alex's wife added a little tension there. Back to music, Eddie on his own is a disaster. Listen to the 1997 release of VHIII with Gary Cherone. That has got to be one of the worst albums ever made. Eddie was in total control of everything in the studio for that album and he failed miserably. As much as I dislike Sammy Hagar, I throw up in my mouth a little just saying his name, I have to say that he and Dave kept Eddie on a leash in the studio and reeled him in when he started to stray. If anything, their hit songs need to give a lot of credit to the vocalists. Dave and Sammy made a lot of suggestions in the studio that kept Eddie from going off to his own little world. Imagine Mean Streets being played on the keyboards as Eddie wanted to do. Dave totally kicked his ass over that one, and thank God he did. I'm kind of jumping all over the place but one more thing, Dave is a shrewd business man. He got them to a lot of places they never would have gotten to without him.

Sammy Hagar, uggggghhh, can't stand him. But, I'll give him credit, he took Van Halen to a new high. Although, with the success of Jump, Panama and Hot For Teacher I believe they were going to new heights after that regardless. But, I will give Sammy credit. As a vocalist, yes, he has much more range than Dave. Dave is an entertainer, but that doesn't mean he can't sing. If you see any Sammy era live shows the vintage songs sound like crap with his voice on them. Dave had an attitude and a swagger that made those tunes special. As for Sammy being a proper song writer, I take issue with that. Lyrics like "She has legs up to her lunch pail" are just flat out crude and immature. And there are a lot of Sammy era lyrics similar to that. So, no, I don't give Sammy any credit there.

My opinion, 2 different bands that shouldn't be compared but if I had to choose one I'd go with DLR. That's when they were fun. Like Dave said on Howard Stern "With Sammy era Van Halen you need a therapist and warm milk with cookies. With Dave era Van Halen you need a condom and a drivers side air bag" HA!!! That is exactly right. God bless David Lee Roth.

Now, with all my dislike for Sammy, who I think can do stand ins for Bette Midler after he retires, my favorite Van Halen album is F.U.C.K. Yes, a Sammy era album is my favorite. But it's because of Eddie. His tone on that album is monstrous. That's when he was firmly using Ernie Ball guitars and recording through Soldano amps. His guitar is just massive. I love it. And he also sounds like he was enjoying what he was doing.

But the Dave era of VH was the best, hands down......in my opinion. I'm sure there are plenty out there that preferred the latter. And that's just fine. We all can't like the same thing.

Also, if anyone has the "Van Halen Encyclopedia" open up to the credits section and look about half way down the list. The names are in alphabetical order. If you'd like me to sign it send it on. HAHAHAHA!!!
elfro89 said:
I personally think David Lee Roth was a much better performer, and Van Halen were much more of a "must see live" kinda thing. However i think when Sammy Hagar entered they began to really write some serious music you know? but the shows didnt seem anywhere near as exciting.

no doubt at all.. they did some great stuff with Sammy too, I am not hating him at all ... although they got a bit cheesy at times!

I saw both versions, Van Hagar in 2004 with a drunken or drugged up Eddie... it was great but not spectaculair.. I was close to the stage though.
and the real thing minus Michael in 2007/2008 which was fantastic!! even though we were way at the top/back of the arena. oh and, I am one of those who is not at all bovvered by the Mikey/Wolfie issue..

I saw DLR with Steve Vai twice in '88 which was one of the highlights of my teenage years! :)
The only song I like of theirs goes:

Hey, cheer up!
I think it's mean to shout.
That's enough.
Just have shower.
Wash off that filth.
That's wrong...
To be so dirty.

You think that you are coming back?
Just wash, imbecile!
Just wash, imbecile!
:laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3:
I knew VH with the "Red Rocker" (bad nickname) first, and I still love DLR WAY more. I like his attitude in his voice. Some singers got "it".

However, I do like Sammy's new band, Chicken Foot. It's 'ight!
VH was over for me as soon as I heard the first single "Why Can't this Be Love?"  Later on I realized that the song 5150 was badass, but other than that I haven't liked anything they've done since 1984.

Paul-less said:
I knew VH with the "Red Rocker" (bad nickname) first, and I still love DLR WAY more. I like his attitude in his voice. Some singers got "it".

However, I do like Sammy's new band, Chicken Foot. It's 'ight!

hahaha i agree man, nothing turns me off more then red, and anything with the word rocker in the title. both together is a bad combination for nothing.
Sammy has been the "The Red Rocker" since montrose,  I think its a great nick.  How many other rock personalities have a nickname?

Elvis  The King
Michael Jackson  king of Pop
I cant think of any more
Alfang said:
Sammy has been the "The Red Rocker" since montrose,  I think its a great nick.  How many other rock personalities have a nickname?

Elvis  The King
Michael Jackson  king of Pop
I cant think of any more

..which is why nicknames are sh*te
Alfang said:
Sammy has been the "The Red Rocker" since montrose,  I think its a great nick.  How many other rock personalities have a nickname?

Elvis  The King
Michael Jackson  king of Pop
I cant think of any more

Diamond Dave
Dimebag Darrel
