
The "Tonemaster" Build


Hero Member
Ok guys, this is really premature, as I dont really have money and things will come together slowly, but today I ordered the plans for my first straight up build. Ive been wanting to pick up guitar building for a while now, and im pretty sure that I can get full access to my schools workshop so GAME ON! When the plans come in ill put them up, but for now we wait.

Just a sort of overview.

"Tonemaster" body style. This is a style based on the jazzmaster. I guess it was thought up in a contest where you took the jazzmaster body and could move the body lines by 1/2 of an inch and had to come up with a new design. I really like it, pictures soon.

Im thinking,
Alder or mahogany body, since its my first build in not going to get too carried away, but I was thinking of trying to carve it
Maple/ebony warmoth neck, not sure which headstock, 22 frets and MOP dots
H-H pickups, probally JB/Jazz not set on anything though, wood mount
Standard Volume/tone/ 3 way, im not one for fancy wiring, maybe a toggle for splitting
Its going to be getting the Gotoh Hardtail design bridge, and im thinking graph-tech saddles
Im either going to go with a vintage tint if its alder, or a trans red dye or laquer finish on mahogany.

If I get a little too carried away, the plans are for a hollow body, maybe ill do that and put a sweet F-hole in it depending on my comfort with a router.

Really I feel bad starting this thread already, its going to be a while but hey!

Mahogany body for sure, Maple + Ebony + 25.5" = brightness³ in my mind...

I think the 50's or CBS fender headstock are the best fit for Jazzmaster (is the one that look like this Tonemaster that I didn't find a pic)...

Not sure on the colors you said, but it's always about individual taste
Ok so it sounds like you are doing the body from scratch, correct? Getting a body blank then should be less costly than a cut body, and Warmoth rout in the neck pocket for you and maybe some other routs if you ask.

I would suggest - while you get the money together -  that you keep reading on this forum and pick up some tips and ideas that may be discussed in some Threads. So, while you are waiting for the body, you can learn!  :sign13:

Yeah I think im just buying a blank and doing the whole thing from scratch, just the neck from warmoth. But yeah I know what your saying, im beginning to think that NOT having money is really making me think about the process and lets me get more ideas while I browse the forum and things.  :laughing7: When I think back on my first build that i tried to do, I would have done a thousand things differently because I just didn't know about it.

Templates are on the way to me now. Unfortunately im not sure if ill be able to get into the wood shop  :(
I want to do a guitar from scratch as well but after i purchase a bandsaw, a good drop router, some more work benchs some extra sanders i may as well just buy one off Warmoth lol

Good Luck with it i will be watching this one

Tonemaster is this design??
NonsenseTele said:
Tonemaster is this design??

Yeah this is the design. I got it from www.guitarplansunlimited.com. Im not sure where the guy who runs the site got it. I really like the body shape. Anyway just one a note about that site, the guy does absolutely ANYTHING you want, and has very decent prices on full size, not bent, nicely printed templates.
I like it!! reminds a little of the MM EVH type of thing i was thinking about doing at on stage and the Fender telemaster

Hey guys, I got the templates. Im battling with my camera because it takes HUGE pictures, and im not sure how to resize them yet. I just want something simple, but its always complicated  :laughing7:. Ill post some later.

Anybody know the best way to turn paper templates into wood ones?
Well, always helps putting a smaller resolution (not sure how you call it, so if it's 6MB now, put 2MB, if it's 2MB, put's the smallest resolution)

Well, I would make a copy of the paper templates, glue it to MDF or marine plywood and make the template with a router... if goes wrong you can make it again untill you get it right...

That's very cool. I remember seeing that in an advertisement in Vintage Guitar as a "special run order" being offered by one of the larger/better known retailers in Chicago...maybe "Makin' Music".
When building the body from scratch and doing your own routs remember this, the centerline is you new god. Also, measure twice - cut once. Good luck...