
The fretless guitar to end them all

Bagman67 said:
Justin Bieber, Explained:  The latest missive in the ongoing series, "A Curmudgeon's Guide To The Way It Is, or, Cagey Lays It All Out For You."

You know I'm right. I'm not crazy. The state had me tested.
Cagey said:
I know one thing chix dig: guys who'll get on stage and display their skills.

You know.. nun chuk skills. Bow hunting skills. Computer Hacking skills. Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills.
DangerousR6 said:
I'd buy one... But I'd sand the green off fretboard and leave it bare..:icon_biggrin:

But isn't a frettless fingerboard supposed to be epoxied or it will be worn down fast? I don't think green alone will do it.  :icon_biggrin:

Fretless necks have existed since long before epoxy (or anything like it) was ever invented. Bowed instruments such as violins and cellos, for instance, have raw unfretted wood fingerboards. Ebony is wicked hard, and hard Maple is no slouch, either. The problem with the green on that neck (apart from aesthetics) is it won't last anywhere near as long as the wood, so I'm guessing it'll look like hell in pretty short order.
Cagey said:
Bagman67 said:
As if I have any idea what chix dig.

I'm no expert by any stretch of the imagination, but I know one thing chix dig: guys who'll get on stage and display their skills. I don't care what you do up there - you could even play bass, fer crissakes! - there's just something about a guy who's willing to confront a large group of people that gets them all lathered up. Doesn't even matter if you're any good; a little willingness goes a long way. I think it's a base instinct. An individual or a small group that will willingly confront a possibly antagonistic large group is perceived as powerful, and therefore a good mating prospect.

i never found this to be true... i've seen lots of hard headed losers stand up to the wannabe gang bangers in highschool and promptly get there asses handed to them and everyone laughs.... also i was too quiet to really have problems with the "tough" guys most of the time. i was never afraid, just rarely had a reason. but at 16 and 5'8" 170lbs i was with a friend who was accosted by some 25yo 5'11" 240lbs guy who swore my 15yo friend gave him the finger and must be taught a lesson (which never happened), well being the good friend i am i asked the d-bag what his problem was, when  he didn't answer (mind you i'm still sitting down to show how much i'm not bothered enought to get in his fat face) i slapped his knee and said more loudly "WTF is you F@#$EN problem" and i promply got punched in the head.... then i stood up! the guy was shaking ready for a fight and i stood eye to eye with him shouting back and forth calm and cool (well i was, like i said he was shaking) untill his friend got out of the car and dragged him away before the cops would come..... well no girls came running throwing panties at me, to tell you the truth one guy asked what that was about but really there was not a lot of attention brought to it despite being in a public place with people around. the cops weren't even called and when i entered the establishment the clerk ( fat b#tch) not only refused to report the incident to the police but refused to let me use the phone! nobody cared!! not even the police who instead of having a real DA tell me my options just told be it was a "physical harrasment" charge and wasn't worth pursuing which i'm pretty sure is false because i was a minor and he wasn't and a punch to the head is not harrasment especially with witnesses. my friend still telling the story years later about i saved him from an asskicking has never won me too many points with the ladies, neither did playing guitar, or being the guy in the class with answers to all the questions, or any of my other manly qualities.

attraction is more about perceptions of how attractive women think other women might think you are. stupid confrontations can just as easily make you look like more of a loser if you are no one wants you to win. appearing confident helps but that's just another perception and it can be hard to look confident if you have certain personality disorders or medical conditions. then again, after you are decidedly attractive, some excitement of any kind is likely to get someones panties wet.
I like fretless, and slide, and steel guitars - "ET" tuning has a lot of problems to it. The only reason we are able to listen to and enjoy music that is as out-of-tune as our 12-tones-to-the-octave stuff is that we are trained to accept it.  People who are raised in a different culture with different interval standards initially find our music painful and annoying, as we do theirs. What slides, whammys and fretless instruments do allow is some movement towards or "compensation" towards the natural harmonic series, which does sound concordant to just about everyone. But you have to know why, or you're venturing out on a wobbly limb... merely sticking on a slide, woofin' a 12-pack or two and howlin' da blooze does not automatically make you superior to a guy in a tux twankin' Tarrega etudes.
