
The fretless guitar to end them all


Hero Member

For realz linkyz

I don't know... $139 is a lotta money to pay for a guitar with a finished Alder body and Maple neck, dual humbuckers and a Floyd. Should come with a free pick, at least.
At 139 bux, you could sand the fingerboard naked, stain it with ebony dye, and still come out ahead.

Bummer about the Floyd, though.
Bagman67 said:
At 139 bux, you could sand the fingerboard naked, stain it with ebony dye, and still come out ahead.

Bummer about the Floyd, though.

I love Floyds, but this one is begging to not stay in tune. A hardtail might have been more appropriate.
How close in tune is any fretless? You set a decent action, tune it open, and the rest is truly up to the player.
At $139 I fear a multitude of "players" who would otherwise have been deterred by high prices will commence with regrettably unrestrained fretless caterwauling.  A few geniuses may emerge (Guthrie Govan and David Fiuczynski are already among us to show it can be done), but the rest will be... godawful.

Bagman67 said:
but the rest will be... godawful.

Every time I pick up a slide, I play with it for a few minutes and then say:

"Let's put this away before somebody gets hurt"
Bagman67 said:
At $139 I fear a multitude of "players" who would otherwise have been deterred by high prices will commence with regrettably unrestrained fretless caterwauling.  A few geniuses may emerge (Guthrie Govan and David Fiuczynski are already among us to show it can be done), but the rest will be... godawful.

On the other hand, at that price many who would otherwise not ever try a fretless may be tempted and we'll get some new Guthrie Govans or David Fiuczynskis. Not necessarily a Bad Thing. Nothing against Guthrie Govan or David Fiuczynski, of course. But, are we content to let them be the last of a breed?

All instruments, regardless of design, attract some (sometimes large) number of players who waste a lot of their own and other people's time in the attempt to emulate or outdo the scant few who excel at their use. Whaddaya gonna do? Can't live with 'em, and you can't shoot 'em.
swarfrat said:
Every time I pick up a slide, I play with it for a few minutes and then say: "Let's put this away before somebody gets hurt"

Hehe! That's me. I think I've owned a dozen different slides over the years - only thing I ever got out of them was the knowledge that I should quit buying slides.
Hehe! Yeah, I certainly won't argue that. My own experience says that one probably has a greater chance of being born as a blue-eyed, red-headed, six-toed, three-nippled mathemagician than being able to develop the skills to do well with a fretless. Or, with Satan's own tool, one of those motherless slides. But, that's just me. I'm clearly deficient, or I'd have 2 platinum albums out, and 29 anthologies/greatest hits/live compilations.
It does bear repeating...why is there a whammy on a fretless guitar in the first place? Just in case you accidently land on a stable pitch?
You can only glissando down to the open note, unless you use the whammy bar to drop it further.

Also, chix dig the warble.

As if I have any idea what chix dig.
Bagman67 said:
As if I have any idea what chix dig.

I'm no expert by any stretch of the imagination, but I know one thing chix dig: guys who'll get on stage and display their skills. I don't care what you do up there - you could even play bass, fer crissakes! - there's just something about a guy who's willing to confront a large group of people that gets them all lathered up. Doesn't even matter if you're any good; a little willingness goes a long way. I think it's a base instinct. An individual or a small group that will willingly confront a possibly antagonistic large group is perceived as powerful, and therefore a good mating prospect.
Justin Bieber, Explained:  The latest missive in the ongoing series, "A Curmudgeon's Guide To The Way It Is, or, Cagey Lays It All Out For You."
For $139, I don't think you could go wrong... :dontknow:

I'd buy one... But I'd sand the green off fretboard and leave it bare..:icon_biggrin: