The Broccoli EP [2020]


Hero Member
yo, my turtles. it's been a long time isnce i posted any muzick, so here's my latest batch of avant garde creations. seven tracks, five minutes. i dont ever ask too much of your time, lol. its pretty wacky stuff. it's hard to record live drums during the pandemic but i have a guy whoo does a pretty good job. i went #old-school Broc and kept it silly but edgy. N.E.Way enjoy, maybe. i can find the lyric sheetz if people demand them

I really enjoyed that. Mr. Zoot Horn Rollo, let that long lunar note float! I appreciate the work that went into it, too. As a new forum member, I am really enjoying the stuff I find here in this sub-forum. It's really nice to hear stuff that isn't me, or anything like what I do. Thanks!

Very nice .... I hear the above referenced Zappa, space ghost coast to coast  theme and a little death metal. Much enjoyed.
Well done Sir, well done. As has been said, it has the "Feel".....Tre Chic'........... :headbang:
#appreciate u all, my nuggets. i do fancy frank zapper but I don't know what djent is, it seems like you mistyped dent but I also don't know what dent music is so...

Anyway, i had to play bass myself  in this one because i had a Fallin g out with my old bass player

you see, a cuppla years ago he once drew on my face with a permanent marker while I was passed out on a couch once after a fishing trip. also shaved off my eyebrows but was kind enough to draw on a new set. i get that it mite be hilarious for the artist and his entourage, but the unwilling canvas has enough  to deal with the next morning without having to go to work with spock eyebrows and the words, “bream me up, scotty” written on their cheek (bream being a type of fish for those ootl (out of the loop)). and like , if you are going to do to this to some1, don’t get drunk and pass out at a party a week later when the vic (victim) is present. It took over an hour to shave Ira’s head and elmer's glue on a swimming cap - then another hour to super glue his hair back on top of that - but hey quality work takes time. We obvs (obviously) havent spoken since he took me to small claims court and lost