
The best.... single... LICK ever?...!...?...!...?


start - 10:07
No Matter What - 10:30
Solo - 11:00
lick - 11:22 It's structurally similar to the "Scatterbrain" theme, it's a triplet pull-off but with a middle finger trill inserted into it in an absolutely off-time backwards way. Beck had toured with McLaughlin for some time, previously -  I THINK he picked it up there but McLaughin used it for EVIL* -  Beck used it to rock. The way he SET IT UP... he KNEW what he was going to play at 11:22 - two, three minutes beforehand! I just looped the pup onto an Infinity looper, I may die trying but what a way to go.... 

This actually usurps my previous "BEST!", which was the five notes that Uncle Duane used to pull out of the bass solo which in turn pulled out of the (two) drummer's solo. Uncle rarely used slide in standard tuning by then, but... jeez.


19:00 bass solo, might as well listen to mebbe one of the top five BASS solos, EVER, while you're just sitting there goomin' out. But, even, if not: You HAVE TO CATCH THE WAVE at 22:17! Just do.

There's a BIT of happy-hippie, A-Brotherly sharing/trading going on 'twixt the guitars for a bit. BUT: at 24:08, D.A. informed Dickey Betts that his soloing wouldn't be needed right now. Then he goes insane. Culminating in the SECOND-GREATEST LICK IN THE UNIVERSE - five notes, starting at 24:50. You just can't...PACK that much into FIVE NOTES. It's not even FAST but Holey Moly. Ever wonder if Allman, Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughan were dis-allowed somehow? Flying TOO close to the Sun, you gonna get burnt up?

(One could even run a contest for the Single Greatest NOTE in the Universe, although I'm in a tossup between Steve Morse or Miles Davis. Alas...another post, 'haps?)

*(Mahavishnu was a real hoot then, whispering in some sort of adopted holy-guy humble Devoutiness... asking for a momo of silence to contemplate... something-or-other, finally every one shuts up - BANG! 140 decibels all at once. TWO 200-watt Marshall Majors inna 800-seat opera joint. Is there something FASTER than 128th notes?)

More! More! POST 'em on up, if you got the line to the giant-killers!
I really like that treatment. Compare it to the original...

SustainerPlayer said:

A truly badass lick and that litle trumpet candy was perfect.

Edit:  I was in...5th or 6th grade when that song came out, I think.  We used to call that band "Bonerama" for some reason.  Now, what was it?? 
fdesalvo said:
Crazy to hear the vocals hard panned l/r. 

Even more crazy when it's the guitar and bass that are hard panned l/r ...

I ALWAYS think that when VH is on.  Lead guitar panned hard right (IIRC) with its reverb dumped hard left lol.
