
temperature concern


Junior Member
I have recently finished my basement, but I do not have heat installed yet (been using space heaters when I'm down there) I would like to move all my guitars and amps down there but I'm concerned about the temperature in the winter. During the summer its around 70 degrees the the average during the winter this year was around 60 degrees, and it dipped to 58 a couple times. I know changing temperatures will through tuning out of whack but I'm OK with that. I'm wondering about any long term affects it could have on my guitars. How about the amps (tube amps)?

Any help would be appreciated.

nfi about amps, but my apartment itself ranges from 62f to mid 70s between the winter/summer.  warmoth pro neck w/59 roundback profile is pretty tough to affect.
Humidity is more of a concern than temperature, and it's more of a concern with acoustics than it is with electrics, although the necks on both are susceptible to wild extremes. Figure about 50% humidity at about 70 degrees F to be around ideal, with some slop on either side acceptable. You also don't want to change those values too quickly. That is, going from a cold, dry space to a warm, humid one without any time to acclimate/normalize can cause finish cracks, checking, etc. on lacquer finishes. Extended stays in very dry or very humid areas can cause necks to twist or warp, and in dry spells the wood can shrink and cause fret "sprout", where the fret ends up wider than the neck and you can feel it along the edge. Not the end of the world, but it's at least annoying.

Amps are more forgiving, but wild changes are still to be avoided. A cold, dry amp coming into a warm, humid area may develop condensation on parts that causes corrosion over time. Electrolytic capacitors shouldn't be frozen, but it happens. Again, some time taken to allow a piece of gear to normalize to its environment will save some grief later.
Leave the guitars is their cases most of the time and you should be good.
Thanks for the advise Cagey, For now I think I'm going to keep them upstairs.

Autobat, that's great to know about the Warmoth pro necks, unfortunately I don't have a Warmoth yet, been planning (drooling) for about 2 years. hopefully I'll be able to build a strat this summer. My big concern is my 81 Gibson V with a maple top and tobacco burst. She's in good shape but getting old and don't want anything to happen to her.

Hopefully by next winter I'll have heat down there and it wont be problem, but that could interfere with getting my Warmoth Strat ... ahhh decisions, decisions ...

Thanks again guys
Humidity here in SoCal is pretty constant. we are around 18 percent all summer and fer up a few ticks in the winter but over all we stay real steady
I moved here from Louisiana, and the humidity can swing there a lot, Both places the temp control in the room was between 55 and 75 degrees
What I noticed difference is out here I do not need a lot of work on my guitars, kinda set and forget, but back there it was seasonal adjustments to the neck to keep them from buzzing.
Do not know if that helps, but it seems humidity is much more a factor than temp.